Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lies, lies and more lies...

Well I was mislead. Our file was NOT released from the ministry of interior for passport and now we actually need a form done from the orphanage (O) director to put with our dossier before it will be released. Finally I was told the truth that nothing was going to be done until my orphanage director comes back. I was being told daily they would bring the needed paper everyday and NOT doing it. As I had said in the previous post our O director is gone to France and nobody here that she has left in charge are able/willing to help. The other O director was unable to help as this paper can only be done by my O director, URGGGGHHHHH.

Now that we have these further delays and nobody here to fix them Tamaya's medical for her visa will expire this Monday adding another delay to her homecoming because we will have to get it re-done. (keep in mind her medical was done a year ago, and they only do them when they feel the child is very close to coming home!, also 2 weeks ago I told my O director that it would expire and she should set up an appointment for me to bring her and she assured me not to worry as it would be a waste of time because she would be home by then... what a piss off)

This is very hurtful, disappointing, frustrating as I have set everything up within the MOI to get my file out, I advocated for our file (and others) to get pushed through and now here I am the one that may have to leave my daughter once again, or be here another few weeks :-(

Now I have to make the very hard decision to stay or leave my baby girl behind which in all honesty will be the hardest decision I have had to make thus far.


Dawn said...

I just found your blog. Wow. Gracious. I am so sorry. I know this has also happened to others. And it makes me sick. And very, very angry.

Holly said...

Sue, my heart aches for you. Please know I am praying for you and Tamaya and I hope you don't have to leave without her. Leaving my kids when I went to visit them in June was the hardest thing I ever had to do and I couldn't imagine doing it when I was under the impression I was bringing them home with me. I just can't believe all of the lies you have been told and I hope someone is able to help get Tamaya and Venise home NOW!!!!!

Thinking of you every day,


Northof60 said...

So sorry to hear about your problems down there. What orphanage are you adopting from? We in the beginning stages. Very nervous.

salvant7 said...

I can only imagine how frustrated you are. We are in Parquet and it looks like they have put a "hold" on files for now. Ugh. I will pray for you to remain strong and that your sweetie can come home with you asap.

Peace to you.

Billy said...

Stay and fight for her. It will be tough, but it seems as though it will be soon. Stay as long as you can....

Anonymous said...

Sue my heart goes out to you I am so happy your in Haiti fighting for your baby girl. I hope the lies stop & someone just does their job.

Bring Tamaya home soon.

Hugs, Laurie in Calgary