Sorry about my long-ish absence. Things have been BUSY around here! Let me explain...
Last week Ty had his first report card!!! He is doing about as good as I expected. He is very curious and full of questions. She commented on how intelligent he was when it came to logic and putting things together. He is having a hard time with confidence for cutting and printing.
He is having problems with always touching others (like feeling his friends hair etc...) She thinks it's a sensory issue... I have heard of this being related to international adoption, I'm going to have to look into it further. She also mentioned she is going to get someone on board with more experience and she will have a special chart to try and curb the "touching". She also mentioned he needed to try and control his impulses. He also hasn't been able to sit during circle time etc. I asked her if he was the worst in class, she did say there was about 3 that had things to work on as well. So as bad as it sounds, I'm glad he will not be singled out while they are trying to curb the whole behavior thing.
On the Friday he had a PA day and we enjoyed a couple movies !!! It was nice to have him home. I look forward to spending time with him now that he is away all day, 5 days a week. It so different without him here.
On Saturday AM we went to Steve's work kids Christmas party. Ty loved bouncing in the inflatable play structure, petting the animals and was VERY happy to see Santa. He asked the big guy for a army helicopter... do you know how hard it is to find one of those... well I did finally find one, it wasn't even on his original list. Tamaya had fun, but when it came time to sit on Santa she was unsure about him and resisted the sit. She did however sit next to him, on me for a family picture. I even convinced Steve to get in with us all!!!
That evening Steve and I had our first night out together since Tamaya's been home. Steve's work had the dinner and dance for the adults. It was a good time. It was really nice to be out with friends and have a couple drinks. I had a few Caesars and had a slight glow on, which is very RARE for me. I think the last time I had a couple was a couple years ago. We went to bed around 3 ;-) That was not so nice the next day when I was exhausted though!!!
Sunday I actually went out and finished my Christmas shopping (or so I thought). I kind of blew my budget. I always tell myself the same thing year after year. The kids don't need anything... get them a few things, keep it inexpensive.. yeah right!!! So when I came home and was actually thinking of what I bought I noticed Tamaya's amount of gifts was much more than Ty's pile. Although the 2 piles were the same price... so I decided to make one gift for the 2 of them and added today added a few more for Ty...
Besides all that mumbo... Ty has been getting bullied on the bus by some older kids. He neglected to tell me this information, but I knew something has been bothering him because he has been resisting going on the bus, there was one day he cried and held on to me - it broke my heart. I finally got the whole story (thank goodness for friends with kids on the same bus) It all came about because one of the kids called him an animal killer, and he did tell me about that yesterday. The reason for this comment. Ty has a faux fur hat that he insisted he get to wear to school. So of course, he didn't know or understand why anyone would say this to him, but it hurt his feeling because he loves animals. He told me who it was and this evening, at the bus stop I talked with her mom about it. As soon as she confronted her daughter about it, her very manipulative daughter said to her mom that Ty hits all the kids on the bus, avoiding the whole original comment. (Ty denied hitting and it was confirmed that he doesn't hit anyone by a couple other kids on the bus)
I talked with Ty about this supposed hitting and he admitted he hit an older girl on the bus. He was hit repeatedly in the head by a kid the same age as him, an older girl than hit Ty's hand and he hit her back... Soooo to get to the bottom of the story I called my girlfriend and her daughter said everything that has been going on these past few weeks. Apparently the older kids (grade 3ish) have been singing a song (to a barney tune) about shooting Ty in the head and he is dead. They have been calling him mean, stinky, animal killer, he has been getting hit in the head by this kid his own age and I know there was more, but I can't think of them right now... so anyways... I am going to be making a call to the school tomorrow. I talked with Ty and he admitted to not telling us because he said they said they would shoot his dad if he said anything to him... could you IMAGINE!!! So I told him that from now on he needed to tell me when people where mean to him so we could work on a way to resolve it... he kissed me goodnight and said Thanks mom!
My dear hubby got his MRI results for his back... unfortunately there is nothing they can do about it. He has degenerative disks and it's been from the years of wear and tear. At this point the surgeon is against surgery as he is too young, he is HIGHLY telling/advising Steve to get out of his current trade. At this point we are unsure of what the future holds career wise for him, we are hoping for an accommodation for the remainder of his contract, but he may get medically released... time will tell!
I finally have a good dent in my "to do" list. I finally applied for Tamaya's baby bonus, applied and have been approved for our loan to pay off the high credit card "Haiti debt", called for a couplep Canadian citizen application kit to finally apply for the 2 kids!!! (yeah, never have done it for Ty yet) sold my American airline voucher for 1/2 price, sold my ski-doo... and now I can concentrate on re-opening my daycare with no loose ends so to speak :-)