Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bus issues...

Little update on the bus issues...

Last night my girlfriend and I made a "plan" where Ty would sit with her daughter on the bus. Her daughter is 14 and on the high school side of his school. She sits at the back of the bus with the other high school kids. She is a VERY responsible, good kid! All the high school kids just adore Ty, and have always gone out of there way to be super nice to him, they even complimented Ty on his cool fur hat!!! (Ty had been sitting in the first few seats while this was happening)

I talked to the bus driver this morning while putting Ty on the bus and mentioned that I had some concerns about some happenings on the bus that I had just been made aware of, and if he would permit Ty to sit with the older girl until things were resolved I would greatly appreciate it. I also made him aware that I would also be calling the principal of the school this morning so he could address some of these concerns I was having regarding how Ty has been getting treated. Jack (the bus driver, agreed and drove off)

I called and left a message for the principal to call me and he called me about an hour later. I told him I had some very serious concerns and told him the whole story. He listened and said " Thank you Mrs "Sue", the bus driver came to see me this morning with a list of names of the children misbehaving/bullying Ty. I will be contacting these children's parents and you can be assured this is going to be taken care of" He also said the bus driver suggested Ty sit with "the older" (hmmm I wonder where he got that I am so grateful that the bus driver decided to step up and address the bus issues as well. I really feel as though he backed up my story and did the right thing. I will make sure I thank him when I see him next, and I will insure that he gets a little Christmas something from us, to let him know we do appreciate him. He is always so cheery and a "good-morning, have a nice weekend" kind of guy. Ty has always adored him and looks up to him so it's nice to see him defend my son!!!

1 comment:

Billy said...

Hooray! Here's to better days on the bus. I am so glad.