I picked Ty up from school yesterday because we had an appointment. His teacher & the teachers aid stopped me to explain what happened on the school side. She said that Ty was called to the office and that the kids were made to apologize to Ty. The teachers aid said she went with Ty and as soon as Ty saw the kids in question he had a noticeable reaction and hid behind her. My heart broke to hear that - poor little guy!
I thanked the bus driver this morning for talking with the principal. I also called the principal and thanked him for taking the time to deal with it appropriately and that I was very impressed. He mentioned that he "sang" the words of the song they were singing about Ty to the parents when he called them and NOT A ONE was happy with their child and their behavior. One of the parents lives on my street, and through the grapevine I heard that her daughter (the manipulative one) is in BIG trouble. The mom even requested that her daughter sit in the front seat of the bus for the remainder of the year because of her behavior. I also heard that all the children were crying and admitted their fault when they were confronted by the principal. So I am happy to see some resolve and that the parents also didn't take it lightly!!!
On a side note; Ty's teachers mentioned that the past couple days he has been awesome and that they have seen a noticeable change/lack of "touching" his friends and overall he has been very good. I let Ty know how VERY proud I was of his great days and to keep up the good work.
His teacher also commented that her and the other teachers are LOVING his hat ;-)
I am so proud of my little guy - after the initial issues with the hat I gave him the option of wearing another one or his fur hat, he chose the fur hat. I love the fact that his love for his hat (that his grand-papa Dan gave him) was more important than someone else's opinion!!! Now that my friends is my confident little Ty!
The hat - honesty isn't it adorable on him!!!
(this pic was taken last year, the hat fits him like a glove this year)
(this pic was taken last year, the hat fits him like a glove this year)

Great news!!
Perhaps some of the touching issue was also related to the bullying - he was feeling more insecure? Now that that is out he can relax.
Douby told me that some big kids were bullying him and the little ones in the washroom at recess so this morning I made sure to tell the vice-principal to get a handle on it. Harder to name names since the kids don't know each other but the school can stop it by patrols.
He did not seem to upset about it but I did not want to see it happen to anyone else.
BTW the hat looks awesome and is TOTALLY appropriate for your climate!! BRRR...
Well, my heart is singing! What great news. He is such a little trooper. Oh Sue, you are such a good momma! I really look up to you!
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