Saturday, January 12, 2008

Long update...

I feel like I have REALLY neglected the blog... Ooopsy - maybe now that life is somewhat back to normal I will back to blogging regularly.

So for a long overdue update, here it is...

We got through I was actually nice to go back home and spend some much needed time away with loved ones. I love going home and spending time with family. I really wish we lived closer sometimes. It would be nice to go to my parents and in-laws for Sunday dinners and have "built-in" When we travel I never feel like I have enough time to spend with everyone. It's hustle and bustle, from one house to the other. The kids get out of their routine and it's chaos... so coming home was nice too!!!

Everyone bought tooo much for the kids. I spent 2 days in the playroom re-organising/throwing out broken toys.. but alas it is good to go now!!!
Us parents were actually SPOILED as well. Steve got a snow-blower (thanks to his parents !!!) and I, a bedroom suite (thanks to hubby!). I finally, finally found one! I am getting a custom set made. Dresser w/ mirror, an armoire, a couple of end tables and a headboard/Foot-board bed frame. It's all solid pine. I am getting it stained in a dark espresso. It should be ready the first week of Feb, I will be sure to post pics once I get it.

Steve was off for over 3 weeks and I must admit it was soooo nice to spend time as a family. We really needed it. Since the arrival of our newest addition life was busy and stressful, but with our family time we seemed to have bonded at a deeper level.

Steve and Tamaya had a few good bonding moments. She is getting better at letting him be her father :-) Which has in turn helped me refresh! Steve and Ty had a few good snowmobiles rides and Steve and I had some much needed relationship time. We enjoyed quiet evenings watching movies, talking and just being a couple. It felt like it had been so long. On new years eve we opted to stay in and have a date night! We had a delicious fondue sans kids (we waited until we put them to bed)! It was nice!

I have really started to fall deeply in love with Tamaya!!!! I have had a whole lot of OH MY GOSH I LOVE HER moments. My heart is all goo goo for my toutou. I decided to let some of my "training mode" go and just appreciate her. She is SUCH a good girl. Honestly I am so blessed to have the honor to parent such an angel. It's a work in progress and I am so happy it's going in the right direction!

My Ty seems to have grown up a whole lot in the last little while. Being a big bro & being a school boy actually changed him & he has matured a whole lot. He is taking his "job" very seriously. Before Tamaya's homecoming I had these daydreams/nightmares of what I was in for. I couldn't of been so wrong. Ty is so thoughtful. He is always thinking about her and making sure that she is "hooked up". Even at school, if the teacher has a colouring page for them to bring home he will insist that he needs one for Tamaya! He got some gift bags from his teachers for Christmas and he shared them with Tamaya as well. I am really amazed at how much he respects and adores her.

Besides all that, in general life is going really good, I'm not feeling overwhelmed or I am just enjoying being me, I kind of feel like the "old" me is coming back and I must admit it feels mighty nice!

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