Friday, June 15, 2007

Feeling antsy and frustrated...

WOW... Here we are, another week has gone by with NO news on advancement for us. It's really hard to hold on to hope when every time I turn around another week passes by to add to my "total weeks IN" (which by the way is 15 weeks and 4 days) At this point I believe we have been in the longest within all the files stuck in the Ministry of Interior.

At least if I was serving a jail sentence I would know when it was going to be over!!!!

If by some miracle we can get out within the next couple days we have a chance she may be home for her 2nd birthday (July 8th). I don't know how in the world I'm just supposed to do this. It's really starting to be a little too much and HURTS deep down you know. I haven't been able to plan anything in my life for the past 6+ months and when I do it's with caution, but whenever the "event" comes and she is not home it's like a knife cutting through my heart because I can't believe she wasn't home before the "event".

We have come together (all 200+ families stuck) and have begged for help within the Haitian government as well as our government with little help. When there has been someone willing to listen and do something, they have hit a wall or have been given false promises. Nobody seems to want to help or be able to help. I have seen files submitted after mine come out and they are either very close to travel or actually have their children home. OUCH!!!! Especially when I read their time-lines and mine is MUCH worst. I've been so close for so long and I JUST WANT IT TO BE OVER, DONE, FINI!!!! I WANT MY BABY HOME AND I JUST WANT MY DAMN LIFE BACK!

Is that too much to ask? %^#*&%$!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

no...certainly not too much to ask...


Nadia & Peter said...

NO!!!! It's NOT.