Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Where have I been...

I've been sick with a NASTY cold bug, not only affecting my nose, but my chest as well... it was a double whammy for sure. Ty was insisting I rest and make myself soup. He even was really patient while mommy was recouping and resting, but I did make it up to him yesterday afternoon with a balloon flight and he was able to play in the sprinkler for a while. Today I am still blah, but not as bad. I actually felt like today was a normal day, with the occasional "oh yeah, no wonder I feel like crap... I'm sick!"

Still waiting/hoping... the batch of file submitted by our orphanage on the same day as mine have all been released.. (well except mine) so it must be REALLY close. The nice thing is that the passports are being printed quickly and travel to bring her home should be within a week or so after I get OUT.

Anyways I'm babbling and tired. I should get to bed and get some ZZZ's. I have some early breakfast plans with my girl friend and Ty!


Nadia & Peter said...

Glad you're starting to feel a bit better. You have GOT to be next, girl!
Thinking of you,

PS We have about 700 water balloons left over from Lucas' birthday party (NOT kidding), so if you want to come by....Ty could have a blast!

Annabel said...

I know I don't comment much, but I have been reading your blog for a while and missed seeing posts while you were recuperating. Hope you're feeling better and I'll keep you in my prayers that your baby comes home soon!

Anonymous said...

How many did you have to begin with??? I can't even imagine it!!

Bring them to the summer picnic!
