Ty's story book is in the works. I found an excellent free scrapbooking trial program. I actually decided to purchase the full version because of it's ease and of course the full program offers more contents. I much prefer to have my scrapbooking "supplies" loaded on the computer than it taking space in my linen closet, which by the way never makes it's way out because I have no room to leave it out where it would be convenient to start a page and come back to it.
While going through pictures of the kids I remembered a disk that was made for me of Tamaya. I finally figured out how to upload the pics onto my computer from the program it was on. Check out how tiny and cute she was, and of course still is!!!

....and now a few of my little Ty guy when he was only a little baby!!!

I LOVE the baby pictures!!!!! They are so little and cute. That is one thing that really gets me, my precious babies are getting bigger everyday and I am missing it. I am praying for you that you hear something soon. I'm sorry I forgot, are you in MOI? It has to be soon that you go and get your little girl, it just has to be. You have been waiting way too long!
yeah, it's hard to know you have children out there and are missing time with them.
Yes, we are in MOI... 5 months actually :-(
OMG, Ty still looks the same. They are priceless Sue.
Sue just saw this on the IBESR update blog:
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Minister of Interior (MOI) Delays
Outside of a few special, individual cases, MOI is FINALLY running smoothly again.
Because so many people do not find out that their file(s) has been released from MOI until after the child's passport has been printed, keeping up the MOI file list is next to impossible. Therefore, the database has been discontinued.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Has MOI changed hands?
.....A: No it has not changed hands. The same individuals are still in
Q: Have they signed everyone out?
.....A: No they have not signed out everyone.
Q: How many files have been released?
.....A: I have no way of knowing for sure, but if I had to guess, of
........the 500 waiting, approximately 200 have been released
........(based on orphanage director's eye witness
........accounts) since July 1.
Q: What kind of time frame should I expect before my file
......is released?
.....A: I have no idea. They are still playing catch-up. If you are/were
........one of the 500 files "stuck," maybe you're already out and
........don't know it. Most orphanages do not pass on the information
........they are out of MOI. They only tell the parents when their
........child's passport is ready.
Will be watching for your good news soon.
Hugs, Laurie in Calgary adopting Christola & Nelson from COTP still in courts hopefully entering MOI soon.
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