Thursday, July 05, 2007


I've been tagged by my good friend Corey, I have been putting off doing meme's for far to long... I have been tagged many times and never did them... so this my friends is a meme for all who have tagged me in the past!

Five Things I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:

10 years ago... hmmm, I can barely remember what I did last week?

1. 10 years ago Steve and I lived in the "oh so great military housing"!!!
2. We had recently got our new puppy Misty, and our kitten Jake!
3. I was much
4. We had just bought our "new" dodge Dakota (the one that is now falling apart on us!!! :-)
5. come to think about it, I didn't have my drivers license yet! Oh boy, that's why I was thinner. I actually walked where I needed to go!

Five Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Ketchup chips (my flava of the month)
2. Anything chocolate
3. ice cream sandwiches (yup.. I need to keep them suckers OUT of the house... bad bad samies)
4. Nachos
5. regular chips with philly onion dip

Five (well 2 cause it's all I've got!) Songs I Know all the Lyrics to:

1. Twinkle, twinkle little star...hehehe!
2. I sign along to most of the music I know, but I don't know if I actually know a whole songs lyrics if I had to sign it ( believe me nobody in their right mind wants to hear that, even with the instruments Steve gives me THE look ;-)

Five Things I would do if I was a Millionaire:

1. MOVE and build something closer to our families, waterfront is a MUST!
2. Hook up our families and some friends... if they're nice ;-)!!!
3. Help organisations in Haiti, and my children's b-families more.
4. buy Steve a bran new full size dodge
5. Donate to help families with adoption costs

Five Bad Habits:

1. Swearing (yeah, my BAD!)
2. chewing my nails when I get antsy
3. procrastinating
4. spend too much time on this thing (HA!!! I asked Steve what bad habits I have... apparently he noticed I am on the computer too much!)
5. smoking ( please, don't be to hard on me about this one.. I know it's sooooo bad, but in my defence we smoke outside!)

Five things I like to Do:

1. spa days.. getting someone else to dote on me ;-)
2. relaxing, baths, candles, music, you know... a "take care of me" deal!
3. snuggling with Ty (and snuggling with Tamaya when I was with her)
4. reading... or audio books
5. being artistic, drawing, painting/decorating rooms in my house, scrap booking

Five Things I would never wear again:

1. My bangs 6+ inches high
2. spandex ;-)
3. blue eyeshadow
4. leg
5. tight jeans

Yeah I totally grew up in the 80's!!!

Five Favorite Toys:

1. my computer - total love hate relationship right now!
2. TV - especially when I need something mind numbing to do
3. the phone - keeps me in touch with friends and family.
4. my washer and dryer - again... it's a love hate thing... just couldn't imagine doing it all by hand?!?!?!?
5. Crayola colouring crayons, markers, pencils... I like doodling

and now my friends you are all invited to do the meme if you wish. Just leave me a comment if you have done so, so I can check it out! and if you are just a reader and not a blogger feel free to post the meme in the comment section ;-) (you see your not off the hook!)

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