Thursday, November 01, 2007


I love all the stuff I have in stock and was finding it difficult to make a decision on what to put in her hair since I have SOOOOO much selection ;-) So I took a few packs of co-ordinating barrels, flowers and snaps and went to town. When Ty came home from school he helped me load the easy beader. I thought that it was a great way for him to feel like he was part of hair time, plus it also helps with his fine motor skills :-)

This morning we all slept in, Ty missed the bus and I gave him the option of me driving him to school or he could stay home and have a personal day. He chose to stay home. After lunch Ty and I are going to snuggle up and watch a movie while Tamaya naps ;-)

Halloween post below (yeah 2 post in the past couple days???? I wonder if that means I am back to being a regular poster or if it's just because everything around me is lacking my attention and instead of doing what I should be I am blogging??? :-)

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love the beads.