My plan - Banana bread & banana nut muffins.
Instead of the premixed version like my usual baking strategy I called my mom and got my late grandma's recipe.
I took all the ingredients out to make it faster and easier on all of us. We mixed the wet, than the dry. Then mixed them together. The very last thing to do was mix the 2 cups of banana's (which I should of measure prior to, because I was about a 1/2 cup short) and 2 tsp of vanilla. As I was putting in the 2nd teaspoon of "vanilla" I noticed it didn't smell quite like the yummy aroma I was expecting?!? I looked at the bottle and realised I had just added red wine vinegar and NOT vanilla.... so, I did all I could do to scrape it out where it landed and hoped for the
I am happy to report my vanilla-less, vinegar banana bread/muffins do taste like the real deal!
Looks yummy!
Thanks for the banner change - it looks great now!
How come your kids don't have muffin batter all over their faces? Douby and I always do when we bake!
I do not bake often but I am currently thinking whether I am willing to bake cookies everyday this month for work to collect money for our foodbank drive... I thought I could have them in my library and the students could buy them from me instead of from the cafeteria for a couple of weeks.
But am I capable of baking enough??? hmmm.. time will tell.
We are off to Montreal tomorrow to visit the sisters...maybe I will get some recipes from my little sister!
Patricia (who has lots of vanilla!)
I have this phobia thing about me or my kids eating anything with raw eggs in They did get to enjoy a muffin when they were cooked though ;-)
Great idea about your baking idea. Here is a link with a whole lot of baking/cookie
Have a safe trip,
and I am the kind of mother that personally eats half the cookie dough raw!! I guess I don't have the same
Thanks for the link - I'll look at it for inspiration!
Your kids are soooo cute. I know you and your husband are very proud of them.
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