Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trying hard to keep busy...

Yesterday was a nice waiting day... Jeremy wasn't here and around noon I decided I had done more than enough waiting/sitting/hovering... so I grabbed my shower told Ty "lets go" and off we went without a clue of our destination, but it had to be anywhere but here! I let him point out the way and we ended up in the next town over. I had thought about getting something for lunch and going to the beach for a walk/picnic, but Ty was adamant that he wanted to stay inside to eat... so we had a piece of Pizza - a little lunch date!

Next door to PizzaPizza was a barber shop so I CONVINCED Ty that we should go in so he can get a real haircut! He has always resisted THE barber, but with a nice fake pout on his face and the promise of trip to the dollar store with 2 bucks he sucked it up and got it done!

The fake pout... HA HA HA!!!

Then we heading into the next town to check out the new "The BRICK" to check out the bedroom sets. I like one set I found on-line quite a bit, they didn't have the black one in stock, but they had an oak one which was the same, but different color so I was able to see the quality. I would get the bed, dresser and mirror, nightstand and the armoire in black... I think?!


Then once the browsing was done we hit the dollar store and Zellers... then headed home!

I have decided that next week I will more than likely be going back home for a visit (unless I am in Haiti of course ;-) It's part of the stop waiting plan?!? I don't know how much longer I can play this game... it's GETTING OLD and very tiresome! At some point somethings gotta give! At least Steve has been really supportive of his crazy waiting wife! My gosh he is tooo calm about it all. I wish I had half his "waiting patience"!

When I told Ty of our plans to go see his grand-parents he asked me if Tamaya was coming as well. When I told him it would just be him and I, he said we couldn't go!?! I told him it was ok to go without her, and that once she was home and settled we would certainly make another trip and he was OK with that. The the next morning he came in my room with a PILE of clothes... when I asked what in the world he was doing he said he was getting ready to go to Timmins...LOL I then explained we still had X number of sleeps before. ;-) It was tooo cute! Ever since my mentioning going he has been inquiring about the "how many more sleeps" MANY, MANY times a day!!! I think it will certainly do us some good to bust out of this joint!


Anonymous said...

Yipee! Sue's coming home!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sue,

Ty is so cute and aren't kids so fun-it's so fun to see what our kids are thinking.

Keep posting what you are doing.

I am trying to be better at my blog-the only glitch is it is not in my house-I have to walk through the garage and into the farm office to use the computer and post things. I am hopefully ordering a new computer this weekend when Darin is here.

I second what Chris said, she is coming home and you are doing a very good job at keeping busy and focusing on fun things to do with Ty.


Anonymous said...

did Ty get a zig zag cut on the top?

Cute! I still prefer to just shave Douby - I have enough problems with sand in his pants pockets and shoes, I don't need it in his hair too!! lol


Sue said...

Chris.. I am, I am ;-)

Lisa, I sure am TRYING really, really hard to keep busy and not pout too much ;-)

Patricia, LOL...No, he doesn't have any zig-zags... but when I posted the picture up I noticed it looked like that too. I guess it must be where the barber put the comb through to taper it.. but it's much smoother looking now that it's not so "fresh". I'm not sure I love it!. I also like the bald and believe me I know allllll about the sand and PET HAIR. I have fears of picking fur out of Tamaya's longer hair.

Anonymous said...

just a little note to say i love you!! miss ya sistah xx