Touching the dog... all by herself for the first time!!!

looking outside the window... waiting for Ty?

I can't believe how busy life has gotten now with our new addition. Tamaya is doing GREAT, she is now best friends with our dog, she calls me when she wakes up now :-) and she is just to cute! We finally got her health card and brought her to the doctors. She is right where she should be for her age, which is very rare in international adoptions. We got her vaccination schedule started and we have some blood test to get done, but we will get to that next week. I don't want to overwhelm her with needles. Tamaya had her first taste of a McDonald's kids meal yesterday. She ate the entire thing. I couldn't believe it!
Ty is doing better each day. He and his sister are playing so much better, there is normal sibling rivalry and besides being tired from long days at school, emotionally he seems to be "coming back" and adjusting well. He had a Terry Fox walk with his class and parents were invited to join their children. His teachers all told me he was doing great and listened well... so I am glad to hear he does actually act better with others than at His teacher also told me that she had a good laugh. She was telling Ty how well he was doing and he went up to her and said " Since I am doing so good, can you call my mom and let her know"! She explained it took many, many good days before she calls mom's for good behavior, but that it was a good try. My little man is too cute!!!
As for me, I think life as a parent of 2 is becoming everyday life. I seem to be adjusting well, routines are falling into place. (THANK GOODNESS!!!!) My laundry and house are back in order and caught up. Everything seems to be taking twice as long to accomplish now... bathing, creaming and hair styles, everything take so long but I have a system. The kid bath together, I get her out while Ty is still playing, cream her, brush her teeth and get her pj's on... then its his turn, it takes about an hour, and I am hoping I can get it down to 30-40 mins Having Steve home on leave is also helping everything come along. It's nice to be able to spend these first few weeks of her being home dual parenting and watching them bond!!!
All in all everything is going well. We are now back home for the weekend. Our families will finally all get to meet Tamaya. We got in late last night and the children barely slept on the way, plus were up super early... should be a great