Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My gosh I love this...

Random pics

Crazy kid...

I can't tell you how glad I am that we are finally dealing with the good/real stuff. The anticipation of her homecoming was long coming and I so dreamt of the day that we would finally be adjusting. Finally I can focus solely on my children and WOW it's so wonderful. So as much as it may sound like I am "complaining" it is the furthest from what I am feeling or doing. I am just trying to journal our adjustments and give all a glimpse of how life is once you add a new adopted child into your life! It's GREAT!!! It's so miraculous and boy oh boy I can't even come close to expressing how much I love my children.

Ty's seems to be doing good at school. He talked about how he made the teacher laugh yesterday by acting like a chicken. I hope it was at an appropriate time 'cause I know he can be a clown I haven't gotten a note yet from school so I am assuming he is doing When we went to get him at the bus stop yesterday afternoon he was sitting in the back with the big kids and he said they all thought he was cute and (Our friends daughter/our sitter takes the same bus and he sat with her and met all her friends "the big kids")

We had a rough evening with Ty last night, He was really contrary and wouldn't do anything we asked him at all evening. Finally he had a good cry and a good pout. I think we are getting somewhere. His fits are getting "normal kid" again and not so meltdowny which makes us feel really good and feel like we are doing alright in helping him get through this. I am really doing everything I can to spend extra quality time with him. I was hoping to surprise him with a movie date this weekend, but my Tamaya is not ready to be without maman and be alone with papa yet. So I will organise a movie date for Ty and I for Saturday while she is napping.

Ty had a good morning ;-) He did everything "speedy" and earned a sticker/$0.25. We even made time for a quick game of buckaroo before running out the house. He won, and tonight when he gets in from school we are going to have another

While I was gone my parents night trained him and the first couple days I was home he regressed and had accidents. He also earns a big sticker is he stays dry and gets a dollar. He has stayed dry for a few nights in a row now ;-) He has decided that he will buy himself a stroller for his dolls with his money. A friend of ours bought one for Tamaya and he thinks it's pretty cool and he insists that he needs one as well ;-)

Tamaya, my dear She had a feisty moment yesterday (so I guess my dreaming was exactly that... just a dream!!) She was very much "herself". Steve had left for a couple hours in the afternoon and I guess she felt very comfortable and had a moment. She pushed me when I told her NO and then proceeded to *try* to bite me. After she got her time-out she straightened up and was good again, but I did laugh when it was all done considering I had thought "wow she is being pretty"

She went to the cats this morning and pet our ol' grumpy Sam. Of the cat she chose to like, he is the one that has the most attitude and if he is not pet where he likes it, he is apt to give a loving little bite. Luckily Steve was watching his/her every move.

I am feeling so much better. I have more energy, I am sleeping better. Yesterday I managed to get my main floor cleaned up. (today I tackle the basement and laundry folding - my million loads... ARGHH) Little miss princess followed me everywhere while I was scrubbing and was a good little helper. This morning she helped make the beds, and loves being a part of whatever I am doing. I was worried about how she would react to the vacuum, she screeched at first and then when I asked if she wanted to help me she ran to me and helped and was no longer scared (THANK GOD, "cause life here without a vacuum would mean a whole lot o hair in the fro'

Everything is starting to feel like the new normal, I feel like my routine is coming together, and I am going to try real hard to forgive myself if I can't do it all.

My gosh am I ever in awwww and LOVE, LOVE every moment of this!!!


Anonymous said...

Sue, When I read you posts now I want to take a deep breath and sigh - all the tension is gone - all the waiting is gone. Now you get to live your life again!!
Sounds like you got two wonderful kids there...


Sue said...

Patricia, it's unbelievable the feeling of relief that the "waiting" is OVER. I am so stress free. I am now able to parent my 2 children under my roof and I no longer miss one or the other...

I do have my life back again and get to sweat the small stuff and I get to sit back and enjoy :-)

AHHHHHWWWW it sure is a HUGE sigh of relief, sometimes I have to pinch myself because it's still so surreal and sometimes it's almost too much joy to handle ;-)

They are so wonderful and I am so proud and honored to have the privilege of being their maman!


Holly said...

Hi Sue,

Thanks for sharing so much information on the adjustment. It will help me know what to expect when my two precious angels get home :)

I am sooo happy for you that your chidren are both together and I hope things continue to go well for you!!!


Angela said...

I have loved reading your adjustment posts in anticipation of my future adjustments. I didn't even think about the vacuum cleaner being new to them. Very good stuff to know.

They are absolutely adorable and I know you are enjoying every minute. I am living vicariously through you right now.

Anonymous said...


LOL! I was going to write the same thing as Patricia... every time I read your blog now, I can exhale! I think I was more relieved for the completion of your adoption than any of my own!

Love you!

Dave said...

You have been a real trooper! You deserve a medal. Things are worth fighting for and waiting for. Congratulations!

Paige Mann said...

I REALLY enjoy your blog! Great pictures & GREAT stories!! We are adopting from Haiti now.....waiting to get out of IBESR. AHHHHHHH!!!! You of all people know how un-fun the waiting can be! I appreciate your insight and look forward to telling my own stories when our little munchkin finally gets here.
