Friday, September 14, 2007

A little bit of a whole lot of feelings...

Everything is so surreal. I am so happy to be home and to finally be started our adjustment period. It's nothing like I expected!!!

Where do I start?

Being a parent of 2 has so many different challenges. I am looking forward to the day when it is just a natural everything day part of my life and that I am used to I have been sick these past couple days (with the same thing I had the 2nd week I was in Haiti) and I am still exhausted, so I am really trying hard to make sure that even though I am not feeling well both of my children's needs are met. My mom is here for the next few days to help out (THANK GOD), I have yet to unpack the van. My house is a mess and I need to get myself into a routine to keep my But for now my kids come first and all will fall into place (soon I

Ty has NOT started school yet :-) when my mom went in on Monday to register him they suggested he start on Wednesday, well Wednesday came and there was no way I was going to send him after we had all pulled an all nighter. So I have decided some much needed family time was in order and he is going to start this coming Monday. I didn't miss his first day of school!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT.

Ty is doing remarkably well thus far. I am surprised at some of the reactions he has had. The first time I gave his sister a time-out (because she kicked him) he was upset with me and started giving me a blast. I sat with him and explained that although he really cared about her, she wasn't allowed to hit, kick etc. That she had to also follow the rules and that eventually she would also learn everything he did. He was ok with that explanation and when she came out of her punishment he told her he didn't like it when she kicked and she had to say sorry to The next time Tamaya had a time-out his reaction was not a bad as the first, but he was very up-set because she was hitting and kicking me. When she was coming out of her time-out he took her by the hand and said "c'mon and sit down, we need to have a talk" I have had to remind him a few times that I was the mom.. ;-)
He has only said I am not her brother anymore a couple times.. ;-) He muttered under his breath that he was going to bring her back to Haiti. but he has also loved on her, given her hugs, offered her his favorite pillow, and is doing all he can to be a good big brother. It's pretty amazing to see really.
Last night when I was done given tamaya her bath and he was still in the tub he screamed out "hey mom I need to be cared for to you know!" I took it as my hint that he needed some extra mommy time.. ;-) So all in all my son is doing ok!

Tamaya's been having some BIG adjustments to our home life. She was petrified when she met the pets. I figured she would be considering she would freak if she even seen an animal on TV in our room at the hotel. She is now ok if the cats are in the same room and she even poked Jake (the Siamese) yesterday while he was sitting on my lap. She still screeches when she sees the dog, but it will come with time I am sure. She was freaked out by walking on carpet the first time, but now she is ok with it.

Having spent a whole lot of time bonding with her alone she is actually having a hard time sharing me with Ty. I never really thought that it would be her that would be jealous of him, but considering our pre-home bonding I can certainly understand. She is eating well and sleeping well. She is enjoying spending time with Ty and they get supper crazy together. The noise level in the house has gone up a WHOLE bunch. We have been keeping quiet here for the most part. We did go for a little walk up and down the road and she loves running around outside with Ty. She chases him around and he loves it. She is such a cutie pie and such a great addition to our family. She is ALL girl and loves getting dressed in her new FALL/WINTER Thank goodness I spent so much time in Haiti... she at least got to wear her summer clothes.

Well I should get going to start my day. I am sure it will be very

I will be sure to post more pics today ;-)


Dawn said...

Welcome home from one of your blog lurkers! :)

Anonymous said...

There ya go - making me cry again...


So cool you did not miss his first day of school too!!


Billy said...

Sounds like everything is coming together. You are such an inspiration to me and so many others. So strong, so deep the passion for your children runs in your soul. You are such a courageous woman. You Go GIRL!!

Annabel said...

I am so very happy for you and your family. They are precious!