I can totally understand Ty wanting to run from house to house (plus the whole excitement of Halloween), but Tamaya needs hand holding and he wanted to get ahead of us which really didn't work. So it was a nice short night they were out for an hour or so which was more than enough for them to hook me up with some loot ;-) I sure needed a little fix after coming home...lol
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
trick or treat...
I can totally understand Ty wanting to run from house to house (plus the whole excitement of Halloween), but Tamaya needs hand holding and he wanted to get ahead of us which really didn't work. So it was a nice short night they were out for an hour or so which was more than enough for them to hook me up with some loot ;-) I sure needed a little fix after coming home...lol
Monday, October 29, 2007
Keeping it real...
I hope to be able to have a chance to sit down a write a very REAL view of what we have been experiencing (hopefully in the next couple days)... Of course I am in no way a professional, nor am I even close to being an experienced adjustment/attachment specialist, I just hope that by sharing what we have experienced it may also help someone else either feel very normal, or help see the signs. I will also write the attachment stuff about Ty and one with Tamaya because both of the 2 are soooo unique and different!
So here is hoping I get to it within the next couple days!
Is this the one???...
The house...
The side yard...
some of the back yard...
The view from an upstairs bedroom, including the drive way/front yard.
The window trim, (character)...
the living room w/wood burning fireplace...
The spacious kitchen I don't care for... (it looks better in the picture)
The dining room, cute shutters ;-) ...
The loft w/ skylights (it sits over the garage)...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Photo post / overwhelmed...
First off I have been dealing with adjustment/attachment related stuff with Tamaya (and me too, having to work on a couple things), she has really been testing the boundaries and has been clearly *trying* to push me away. She also has a very insecure attachment to me, if I leave for even a minute she is in full blown tears and screeching/screaming. So we have a few things to work on here - The honeymoon is either over or she is reacting to having the other little one here?!? I guess we will see next week when I'm done with childcare for this family, as their regular sitter is done her vacation and will have them back!
- plus I have one of the worst colds I've ever had in my life
- plus I have a mountain of paper work/bills to pay/applications to mail out; kids citizenship, Baby-Bonus etc etc...
-plus I have to finish setting up the business tax stuff/get out to buy a new printer/invoicing program
-plus get someone in to replace out hot-water tank
-plus figure out if we are going to buy a new house, or put more into this one (this needs to be figured out soon because if we are staying here, we are going to remortgage to renovate/add to it and pay off the "Haiti stay" debt with that or if we buy another house, we will use the profit from this house to pay that off... but in the meantime the high interest is adding up...so that needs to be figured out ASAP!
So yeah, like I said I am a little overwhelmed right now!!! I keep telling myself to take baby steps, do one thing at a time and all will eventually come together...
Isn't he lovely... isn't he beautiful After bath...
He is laughing very, very hard because he decided to "flash" me and I ended up taking a picture... then every other pic I tried to take he would wait until the red light on my cam came back on and repeated this numerous time... Boys will be boys???
They are having toooo much fun ;-)
Tamaya stacking blocks
Monday, October 22, 2007
Normalcy awwwww....
Ty is still talking about it and I really think it helped him put a few pieces together and not feel so alone (or not belonging) He was very interest in his new friend Douby while we were out for dinner and commented that he had the same hair.
Tamaya was so excited when she saw her little buddy Andreas. They had been living together at the orphanage for the past couple years. She immediately recognized him and just LOVED being with him the whole time. Ironically Andreas and Tamaya both came home the same day and on the same plane. I had gone on a couple visit trips to Haiti with Ruth (Andreas mom) and we often joked that the kids would come home the same day - I never thought it would really happen!

Tamaya and one of her nannies on one of our visits back to the Orphanage

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hair, Hair, fun hair!...
These cornrows took me about 4 hours. The longest part of it is separating the initial rows, the actually braiding is easy. I broke it up for her. I was just about done the top when it was time to get Ty off the bus, so we finished it after supper with a 15 minute play break! I am amazed at how long she sits there without complaining!?! Towards the end she was getting sick of it, but when I explained it wouldn't be too much longer then she could have a sticker and candy she was good to go.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Some cute pics...
What's up with kids and the water dish? I swear every daycare child plus my own have all have fun playing with it.
and the never ending roll of toilet paper?!?
speaking of toilet paper, my darling is doing VERY good. She is now starting to ask to go ;-) She usually has about one accident a day, but she has had some fully dry days too!!!
playing around...
Click to enlarge

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'm a big kid now?!?...
My lovely daughter had already had the "intro" to the potty while she was at Marijke's. Occasionally at the hotel she asked to go on the toilet, but it was usually after she had a pee in her diaper. She has also been hinting she was ready, but until I really had time to devote to it and make it successful I wasn't going to push it.
Soooooooo.... now we have the princess panties and ready to give it a go... (gotta tell you about the princess panties later!!!) She has had panties on for the past few days, she has had some success, some accidents....and this morning had a POOP on the potty as well ;-) - yeah too much info, but that's what I'm dealing with so you will hear about the poop and all..lol
So yeah, about the princess panties... I was telling Ty the other day he needed new underwear as his are all getting to small. Do you know where I'm going with this???..lol He came home from school and all the Wal-Mart bags were still on the table. While I was taking the panties out he asked if those were his sisters.
"No Ty, those are yours."
"but MOMMMMM those are girl panties",
"well Ty, the panties were on sale and I figured since you could wear them under your clothes no one will know, they won't be able to see them".
"Ohhhh?!?" he says looking VERY confused.
"Ty they are pretty aren't they? Are you ok with that? Like I said no one will see them"
"OK mom" Not looking impressed at all.
Then I took out his packages of underwear out of the bags and his face lite up.
"MOM those are mine right?"
"yes, Ty of course they are, do you really think I would have made you wear girl underwear?"
"You're silly mom, you played a trick on me!!!"
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Just babbling...
I have been trying to read my favorite blogs, but it seems my computer time has been slightly altered :-) Maybe once Steve is back to work this week I will have more time during nap time to get on here!
As far as "adjustment" is going, Ty had his worst meltdown yet. It was like nothing I've ever seen him do before. Maybe it's because I haven't had to deal with them in so long, but in a nutshell it lasted at least an hour, he was hitting, biting, kicking, swearing... you name it he was doing it. I had to physically restrain him, and it ended with him bumping his head on the door hinge while he was jumping, to finally shake him out of it! He ran into my arms as he needed his mommy because he was hurt, but in the meantime he was still trying to push me away. He finally sat there and cried. I sat close to him to reassure him that if he needed maman I was there with him. I had a cry. When he acts like that I feel like there is nothing I can do and it hurts me to no end. I wish I could just understand what he is feeling deep down and "fix" it for him.
Besides that episode...
We had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I haven't done a turkey yet, and don't have any plans to make one anytime soon..., I do little whole chickens. It gives us more than enough meat for supper, and enough for sandwiches the next day. The kids both ate a whole adult plate - full of chicken, potatoes, stuffing, butternut squash tarts and pea's & carrots. I couldn't believe the quantity they both consumed, plus they both had desert!
Ty is doing great with his sister. I would say that 99% of the time they actually get along and want to be with each other. It's such a wonderful, beautiful thing to see their love grow... I love when she calls him "Tynonone", he laughs and repeats it. It's too cute!
Tamaya's such a ham, she has been "testing" mommy. At this point she is super easy to parent. A usual "do you need a time out", or " if you do that again you will have a time out" is enough for her to listen... however, it's not like that all the time ;-), but when I do have to give her a time out she does it gracefully and doesn't fight it. Ty has more of a problem when I discipline her than she does. - go figure.
Today was clean up day and the kids helped out and were so great. Ty helped to emptied the garbage, then went and got his toy vacuum and went all over the house. Tamaya had a rag and "dusted" with mommy. She helped to do the beds and while I was folding the laundry she put the socks together. She actually folded the socks together... I couldn't believe it.
I am going to head to bed, for real this time ;-) Here are a few pics of the kids from the weekend.
Tamaya coloring...
Eating a tart...
Fun tub time, plus hair washing...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I can handle this life...
I am tired right now from catching up on everything since coming home. We had a laundry catch up day from our trip back home. BUT... I am proud to announce it is DONE, FOLDED and even put away... including Tamaya's and my bedding. Steve and I got together and scrubbed the house. I made phone calls, one in particular to American airlines (if you remember I had a slight problem with a return flight!!!) I still need to write head office for my side of things, but they did give me a voucher for $800 for Tamaya's ticket. I don't see myself going anywhere soon, but at least it's not totally lost and I can purchase tickets for anyone - so if anyone is going anywhere with AA let me know and I can use up my credit and give you a discount. I also got things organised to pay bills (URGHHH BILLS SUCK) I finally got my totals from my trip to Haiti and OH MAN it was more than I expected... $13 500.00 - how's that for a freaken choker, and that's no including what her adoption cost us!!! ( but..I would do it again in a heartbeat) Now I just need a plan to make this debt not hurt so much with the high credit card interest charges, like take out a loan or something. I will have to start working soon... ;-) I am starting an on-line business venture that I will share with you all soon, I have also been busy trying to get that up and running.
Did I mention how much I love, love, love being a mommy!!! My little miracles are doing well. Ty is adjusting very well to having his new sister. It seems everyday that passes brings them closer together. There is NORMAL sibling rivalry, which I can sooooo live with. Ty is becoming himself again which makes things so much easier. He is a pro at his morning routine and has time to spare before we bring him to the bus.
Tonight we had such a nice family evening. I made a roast in the crock pot and we enjoyed dinner as a family (as we do every night) Afterwards we all hung out in my room, the kids were blowing farts on my belly (Ty teaching his sister very, very fun stuff!!!) we had some tickling sessions and some daddy and kid rough housing!!! It was one of those awwww moments for sure. We all laughed so much. Then it was time for story and a tuck in and bedtime (another one of my favorites..lol).
My children are so cool. I have the best of both sexes. Ty is all boy... and boy oh boy he is all boy. Tamaya on the other hand is very much a girly girl. A great example of the great differences is when I make my bed in the morning.... for years I would make my bed, and while I was in the process of making it Ty would decided it looked like the perfect time to jump all over it. Now my darling GIRL helps me make it... for real!!! and she loves helping. She is so "tidy" with the toys, she places everything nicely when she is playing, while Ty would dump the bucket on the ground (still does actually) when she is done playing she picks up the toys without even being asked?!?! Ty would need a few stern looks and "c'mon man" to even think of doing it..lol Tamaya is great for being sensitive which seems to be a little on the drama queen side of things, you know - on the whiner side, while Ty is a rough and tough, suck it up kind of guy. If Ty is crying it's usually a very serious thing. If she cries it's usually because her feelings are hurt. So all in all am having fun embracing both side of the sexes.. the good, the bad and the ugly.. ;-)
I do plan on putting some pics and video up of the kids soon. Hopefully by the weekend I will have time to get the camera out... life is slightly busier now and I struggle to find time to even sit down to do anything... so bare with me until I catch up..lol, if that will ever happen :-)