My lovely daughter had already had the "intro" to the potty while she was at Marijke's. Occasionally at the hotel she asked to go on the toilet, but it was usually after she had a pee in her diaper. She has also been hinting she was ready, but until I really had time to devote to it and make it successful I wasn't going to push it.
Soooooooo.... now we have the princess panties and ready to give it a go... (gotta tell you about the princess panties later!!!) She has had panties on for the past few days, she has had some success, some accidents....and this morning had a POOP on the potty as well ;-) - yeah too much info, but that's what I'm dealing with so you will hear about the poop and
So yeah, about the princess panties... I was telling Ty the other day he needed new underwear as his are all getting to small. Do you know where I'm going with this??? He came home from school and all the Wal-Mart bags were still on the table. While I was taking the panties out he asked if those were his sisters.
"No Ty, those are yours."
"but MOMMMMM those are girl panties",
"well Ty, the panties were on sale and I figured since you could wear them under your clothes no one will know, they won't be able to see them".
"Ohhhh?!?" he says looking VERY confused.
"Ty they are pretty aren't they? Are you ok with that? Like I said no one will see them"
"OK mom" Not looking impressed at all.
Then I took out his packages of underwear out of the bags and his face lite up.
"MOM those are mine right?"
"yes, Ty of course they are, do you really think I would have made you wear girl underwear?"
"You're silly mom, you played a trick on me!!!"
OH, I do that all time to poor Douby!!
I tell him I am going to buy him princess stuff and he just groans...
I told Douby that Ty wasgoing to come to the pumpkin patch and he said "who?" He will probably remember him once he sees him but it has been TWO years!!! wow.....
8 days to go!
Okay, I was scared for a moment. I am sure Ty was too. How funny. Yeah for potty training!
btw, where did you get the gorgeous picture for your header? The one boy with the red lollipop is almost a ringer for Douby!
Patricia, it's fun to play tricks on our innocent children eh?!? Ty's expression was priceless. lol
As for the pic on the header, I took that when I went to the "crazy lady's" house. I met her through another adoptive family that knew someone that knew her. She helped them get their file out of MOI. She also went to MOI on my behalf to put Haitian pressure. She than insisted we go to her house to meet all her children (she opened her home to orphaned children and "educates" them informally.) I think she just wanted supporters/money. It was quite the experience to say the least. It just didn't seem right at all... something fishy.. anyways that's where I got the
unfortunately, I've been letting Douby watch "the Prank Patrol" on YTV occasionally and now he always wants to prank me!! Fortunately he rarely can fool me!
The picture is still lovely. You can see the Haitian facial features - so many of the kids look familiar.
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