First off I have been dealing with adjustment/attachment related stuff with Tamaya (and me too, having to work on a couple things), she has really been testing the boundaries and has been clearly *trying* to push me away. She also has a very insecure attachment to me, if I leave for even a minute she is in full blown tears and screeching/screaming. So we have a few things to work on here - The honeymoon is either over or she is reacting to having the other little one here?!? I guess we will see next week when I'm done with childcare for this family, as their regular sitter is done her vacation and will have them back!
- plus I have one of the worst colds I've ever had in my life
- plus I have a mountain of paper work/bills to pay/applications to mail out; kids citizenship, Baby-Bonus etc etc...
-plus I have to finish setting up the business tax stuff/get out to buy a new printer/invoicing program
-plus get someone in to replace out hot-water tank
-plus figure out if we are going to buy a new house, or put more into this one (this needs to be figured out soon because if we are staying here, we are going to remortgage to renovate/add to it and pay off the "Haiti stay" debt with that or if we buy another house, we will use the profit from this house to pay that off... but in the meantime the high interest is adding that needs to be figured out ASAP!
So yeah, like I said I am a little overwhelmed right now!!! I keep telling myself to take baby steps, do one thing at a time and all will eventually come together...
Isn't he lovely... isn't he beautiful After bath...
He is laughing very, very hard because he decided to "flash" me and I ended up taking a picture... then every other pic I tried to take he would wait until the red light on my cam came back on and repeated this numerous time... Boys will be boys???
They are having toooo much fun ;-)
Tamaya stacking blocks
the bottom pic looks like PAP with everyone driving crazy!!
LOL.., it sure does, doesn't it? Too funny :-)
Oh, I just love it when you post. I wait patiently every day. The children are lovely and you are doing such a wonderful job. No worries about Tamara. I am sure she is just feeling a little jealousy.
That last photo is an adoption related flashback, isn't it? Considering you live in the boondocks where traffic is only the five o'clock exit from the plant - it sure does look like PAP!!
I was thinking that too...looks like PAP.
And about Tamara, I am so curious to hear more. I anticipate attachment issues when my kids get home. I have heard so much about the "honeymoon" stage. Even when we go visit, I feel like they put on a good show for a week. They are little angels. I know they can't always be like that. Real life day in and day out I know is going to be a challenge. Would love to hear more about how you are dealing with these issues. Thanks for being real. Your kids are adorable.
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