Saturday, April 28, 2007
Feeling better...
We went to see another few houses today. Nothing worth bidding on. Some had potential, but at the price (over our first budget) we would still have to put money into them and I just can't justify paying that kind of money for something I am not completely happy with.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Debbie downer post...
In a nutshell I'm sick and tired. Sick and tired of all this waiting BS. I'm getting pretty agitated and grumpy. I JUST WANT HER HOME!!! Is that too much to ask???? Apparently I'm not screaming it out loud enough?!? It's getting old and I want my sanity and my life back. I want to focus on my family of 4 together and not this whole "maybe I will get news today? then 10 years go by (slight exaggeration) with no news, and no advancement.
So many things are going through my head... mainly the fact that every single day she is away from us is a day without her families special love. I know she is getting good care, but nothing compares to a mother hugs and kisses. Nothing compares to daddy playing with her or snuggling.
Anyways I'm going to stop here because I really don't want to "talk" about it anymore. It really SUCKS and I just want this whole mess to end.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
8 weeks in...
I guess my batteries have run I haven't stopped scrubbing for days it seems and I am tired. My body, mind and soul told me to rest I took it mostly easy (with the exception of at least 6 loads of laundry that I folded) You know, someday, maybe someday, my laundry problem will be a thing of the past. It seems like the easiest thing to forget when I am consumed with doing other things!
I took Ty out after dinner so he could ride his new toy... boy oh boy! Yesterday I went through all the rules and played the stop and go game to make sure he knew the basic rules before we venture out of the backyard. He still has a *few* days of driving
The 5 basic rules he needs to know by heart before venturing are as follows... (Believe me when I say I thought they would be very simple, BUT...)
#1- when I say stop you have to take your foot off the pedal.
#2- your not allowed in the forest or in the ditch
#3- no crashing
#4- only on slow speed.. no touching the yellow fast button
#5- stay in your yard
Ok so these all seem very simple right?... Yeah Every time he gets in a pickle he keeps his foot on the pedal. Even in reverse. I have moment of OH MY GOSH!!! and other of laughing so hard. Tonight the little booger decided he would push the yellow fast button and he went flying so fast and it scared me, because he is so focused he doesn't take his foot off the gas and keeps going, it's almost like he forgets what to do... awwww the joys! He did do better today than yesterday thought so I do have faith that my son will master my rules soon.
On other news we did our taxes... being self employed is really poopy come tax time. It took me a whole day to get everything in order and calculated. Then only to find out I owe the government some I can't really complain too much because it is just under $100, but Steve on the other hand is getting a HUGE return and it was worth the day of number crunching and organizing my receipts!
And to end this post I present you..... Mr. Ty the crash guy!!! Enjoy!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Lovely days...

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Spring cleaning day 2...
Once Ty got home we went outside for the afternoon and did some yard work. I think I should of tackled the outside while he was gone. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of toys while your child is watching I caught him digging through the garbage to get some toys a couple time!!! "mom this is not broken" he would say and run away with the toy.
It's amazing what a couple sunny days and some scrubbing did for my moral. So far so good... 2 good days in a row, I must be on a happy streak :-)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I decided I would do more scrubbing. I have literally spent from 8am until 5pm in my kitchen scrubbing. My hands & fingers hurt, my back is aching, but what a stress reliever it is and instead of being emotional exhausted I am physically
Tomorrow I will have at least another few hours in the kitchen finishing up.
I have moved on from nesting to spring cleaning... ;-)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Sick and tired...
I get so darn agitated thinking about what this whole adoption process has been. It's been a series of longer that average wait times, with new rules/changes every single area we have been in. It's getting old, it's getting tiresome. I don't have energy to deal with all the emotions of this ongoing roller coaster.
I am sick and tired of it and if our daughter didn't mean the world to me I would quit. I would tell them all that I am done, that they can rip up our dossier throw it in the nearest dumpster so I could just move on with my life without this being the most annoying, disappointing, ridiculous & time consuming, blood pressure rising pile of dog doo that I have ever had to endure. I am sooo sick of it.. Sick of it all!!!
This stress is affecting everything around me. I noticed Ty getting back into old habits. I feel obsessed with "adoption news" again... and just as I was doing soooo good, I found out about the latest development... I just wish it would just all be over and that she would just get home already. ENOUGH!!!
It's been since before Christmas that I thought she would be home. I planned my life around her arrival being "a couple weeks away", I have nested so many times I can even count, I have EVERYTHING ready. I am ready, my family is ready... what more... what more do I have to do for it to flippen happen.
I thought for just once during this process that something would finally go right, that our file in MOI would be normal wait time. That it would just be a matter of time and she would be here... now I have no clue when, I have no idea when she will come home and it's so frustrating to sit here and wait some more. I think of the time I have lost with her and it hurts.
We requested a baby girl as young as possible. I found out about her when she was 2 months old... SHE IS ALMOST 2 years old!!!! All because of bureaucracy and people in Haitian government positions that make rules up as they go along.
When we adopted Ty there was the political unrest when Aristide was ousted. His adoption from proposal at 6 months old to when he came home at 11 months old - was 5.5 months!!!!!!!! AND that was with a delay of a couple months because of the unrest.
The worst thing about all this waiting is I feel guilty when I get frustrated or feel less than "perfect" in waiting. I swear I think everyone in our neighbourhood must think I am full of it about Tamaya... jezzzz even Ty thinks she is imaginary. I feel like a liar when people ask me if she is home... because months and months and months ago I told them it would be soon...Boy will everyone be surprised (including myself) when she actually is part of our family!!!
I am hoping this blog vent will give me a couple days of calmer waiting and that I can get back into a "normal" frame of mind regarding this whole mess. I just want my sanity and life back, I want my happy self to come back and play and just move on.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Have had better days...
While I am cleaning I will become a mega witch because I will feel overwhelmed by the task at hand and be miserable because I didn't start first thing in the morning,(or kept it up during the week) and every little thing I clean or pick up will be the focus and I will have a few words of *wisdom* to share with Steve and Ty about the mess/lack of tidiness they have added to my already gross, but once it is all done I will feel great and my family members will forgive me for my less than perfect attitude!!! Ahhhhhh I love my Sunday clean up!
So anywho...enough of my rant! I wanted to share a few up-dates with you all.
Tamaya; We have been in the ministry of interior now for close to 7 weeks. (Haitian immigration) This is a step that is guesstimated to be 2-4 weeks. We we're notified last week that there was a problem. They have added a new step to this process (of course they did, every step of the way they have changed they way they did things... so why would it be a surprise?!?) It has now been rectified so hopefully I will hear that her file is out soon... then it *should* be a week or so and I will be able to go get her! This is really starting to get old. I am a pretty patient person, but enough already.
Steve; My man is still "broken" my new nickname for him is popcorn, 'cause every time he gets up all his old bones pop. He finally got his cat scan results. He has a bulging disk. The plan for him is to be on temporary category at work with light duties until he gets better. He will start receiving cortisone shots in his back. Hopefully it will auto correct itself. If that doesn't work he will require surgery.
He goes back to work on Tuesday. I can't believe he has been home for 6 weeks already. It feels like just yesterday he came back from Afghanistan. I just wish he would have been better so we could have travelled a bit. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine and having some normalcy back in the home.
My dear hubby was so great yesterday. He offered to go do the groceries all by He even wrote the list himself. The only request I had was a bag of pre-made Asian salad. Unfortunately there was none so he decided to buy me a head of Yup the man thought it was a pretty nice head of lettuce. It has been the joke around here and I still chuckle when I think of his reaction when I pointed out that it was cabbage, he even had the nerve to argue that it was Thank you Steve for doing the groceries... ;-)
Ty; Ty is The boy is a big ball of energy. I think he needs his sister to come home so he can have a full time playmate.
Last night we we're watching shark tales and they said "rock you" he repeated it and said "Oh oh mom I said a bad word" I explained that it was not a bad word, but he insisted it was... then he said mom " I have to go in a time-out" and he went to the time-out spot. I still had to explain to him numerous times that it was NOT a bad word, he finally believed me. This is coming from a boy that just a few months ago would swear and cuss his mother out while he was upset and in time-outs... fully knowing it was WRONG. He has made such progress since the trauma therapy. I am so proud of him. I finally feel like I am parenting a "normal" child, not a child that is sooooo out of control. I am really enjoying being his mommy and spending so much quality time with him.
Me; I have both good and bad waiting days. Some days I feel like it will never come, that she will be 50 by the time she comes home. Other days I am at a calm place about waiting and keep telling myself that she is sooo worth it.
Like I said previously, it's getting old. (today is a not so good waiting day) It has been over 21 months since we started her adoption. I know it's coming, but man oh man I just want it to be over so I can stop thinking about her and just start parenting her. I often find myself thinking about all the what if's... what if she isn't here soon... will she turn 2 in Haiti? Spend yet another birthday without her mommy and daddy? With my luck the passport printing machine will break down and it will take them 2 years to fix it... because lets face it... that's the way it seems to go. So as you can see I'm started to get bitter.. today is a not so great waiting day.
With all that being said I don't even have anyone to blame... I wish there was someone I could just get upset with and write a nasty letter to... or call and lose it on them.
Unfortunately it's just been a series of events that have been factors in this "extra long" journey. All of our adoption professionals have been wonderful, I know the director is working her tail off to get our kiddos home. I know that all information is passed on as soon as it received and it's just plain and simple.... POOPY!
I know if there was anything anyone could do they would. So many people just want to see her home.
Anyways that was my vent... I'm sure letting it out will help put it out of mind for another few days. I shall go take my frustrations out on my toilet now. My house will be blingin' in no time!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Birthday wishes...
We had such a beautiful evening. We went to Eastside Mario's for supper. We let the waitress know it was Ty's birthday so they could sing to him. He loved it!!! I didn't know how he would react, but he just took it all in and started to dance as they
Then we went over to wal-mart to buy his 4 wheeler.. That's when we both realised that there was no way we could fit the box in the van without putting the seats down (stow and go) but in order to do that we have to empty it out of the stuff (read: JUNK) that we have in the back. SO... within the next couple days I will go buy it. (hopefully alone and have a little me
Because of our not thinking, we pretty much let him get a few toys that he picked out, a couple transport dinky cars, a flashlights, a tent and sleeping bag combo and a few other little things.
We came home and had some birthday cake... He was toooo cute. I wasn't going to do the cake thing because usually at the restaurant they do a little cake, but because he had the kids meal they gave him his 3 mini cones and sang to him with those... So a birthday is not a birthday without a cake... so I ran to the grocery store to get cake and ice-cream before coming home. He was tooooo cute. He said " mom this is my best birthday ever" :-) When he refers to his "birthday" he thinks it's all about the cake in the fridge so thank goodness I didn't miss the boat on that one
I have to admit him being aware of his special day and actually knowing what it was all about was pretty cool... I think next year I will organise his first real birthday party. He has had birthday parties but it was the ones with all adults. Next year he could invite his own friends...
Here is a little video of him blowing out his candles... Don't mind the solo singing voice.. apparently Steve doesn't
Friday, April 13, 2007
Ty scored big with a few cheques and some money!!! We decided we would pool all the money together and let him buy something "big" soooo tonight, after his birthday dinner date we are going to bring him shopping to buy a battery operated 3 wheeler. I can't wait to see his reaction!!!
We are heading out now, but thought I would post real quick!!!
p.s.. yes he did change his clothes into something more appropriate, I promise I would never bring him in public dressed like
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
What fun...

So..... we put in our offer with the condition of our home selling. We bid $5000 less than the asking price, which is reasonable and gave a little room to negotiate.
We got a call from our agent tonight and....... it wasn't accepted :-(
There was another bidder, he bid higher ( I assume over asking price) and he had no conditions.
When we arrived at the agents office she did notify us that there was another offer going in tonight as well. So it was no surprise. I certainly wasn't going to start a bidding war, and had no clue what the other guy was going to bring to the table.
I feel confident that it was meant to be and that there is a reason why that was not our home. I still love my teeny, tiny Our agent still feels we should put our home up with the condition we find something we want to buy, but in all honesty even after checking the other listings nothing is calling out to me... and putting up my house with no motivation is not really doing anything for me!!!
That was enough excitement for the At least it's passing the time as we wait for news about the baby :-) Today marks 6 weeks in the ministry of interior. And it ***SHOULD*** take 2-4 It's ok thought, after spending time with her I realised something pretty big. She is worth every second of this wait and when she actually gets home I am the lucky one that will have the honor to parent her!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
House hunting...
We looked at a few houses on Saturday.
The curb appeal and square footage on this one was a bonus, but the inside needed TLC and some updating. All the flooring needed replacing BADLY, the roof and windows would need to be done within the couple years and at the price the house is listed (at the top of our budget) I can't justify putting in more money. Once we factored in the cost of renovations it made NO SENSE.

Friday, April 06, 2007
New house???....
We have a few homes we are going to see tomorrow. I think it will either put us back into reality, or take the plunge. We are looking at a few options. A) move into something else, B) build new, C) look at expanding(adding a second level and gutting the main floor / adding our wants here.
I guess the main goal is to make sense of it all. I feel I am all over the place with it. I love this home, but there is so many things I want to change about it. The kitchen (the cheapest melamine cupboards were installed by the previous owner and I HATE them), we NEED a garage, want a deck, fence, paved driveway... we will have to start putting money in to it soon, new front windows, new furnace/hot water tank....and even if we were to add all those things to it... we would still be lacking the extra square footage. Man oh
I think I have a plan???!!!!??? you see this blog sometimes helps me put my thoughts If we were to call a contractor/architect we can find out if we can eventually add a second floor... then at least we can build the garage this summer with the plan of eventually being able to expand on living space.
Oh well... I guess at some point we will make up our mind and do For now it's a thought, it may end up turning into something... or we may end up staying put. Who knows!!! Buying this house was scary enough... now thinking bigger (more expensive) is even scarier and so hard to make the right choice. I certainly don't want to be mortgage poor, (not that we would, but the thought is so scary!)
While checking out the market I found my dream I would need to win the lotto... but check this sucker out. CLICK HERE. I girl can dream right!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Laundry... a thing of the past, well for now!!!
OK.... well that's not exactly what happened, but it did cross my mind. I did my million loads, folded them all and even put them away.
I got my house back in order and it feels GREAT!!! I even found the time to putter in Tamaya's room and today I went shopping for some last minute things I need for her. I bought her another couple pairs of shoes (the girl needs shoes!!!, many, many shoes!!!, some diaper shirts because she is able to undress and until her "parasites" are taken care of the diaper MUST stay on!!! I bought a waterproof mattress cover for her temporary playpen bed, I have the sheets for it in the dryer as we speak so EVERYTHING is ready for her now... even to the last little detail!!! Now all we need is the baby!!! Our perfect baby!!!
I am so glad I spent the week there...I miss her immensely, but I am so grateful I got to know her. I had so many unanswered questions about her. I was so afraid of "the character" that was often mentioned in my up-dates, but she only needed boundaries and once she knew I meant what I said she was more than ok with it... it even strengthened our bond. She was smaller than I expected. She is just growing into size 2 clothes... so no returning clothes. She actually still fits well in 18 months. Her hair is no longer "scary" she has soft curls and it was so easy to comb through. She is still very snugly... I was afraid she was going to be toooo independent... BUT nope she is a well rounded child and I look forward to her adjustment, our adjustment. I am SOOOO READY!!!
Monday, April 02, 2007
I don't think I have ever seen so much dirty laundry in my life. I had to strip all the beds, Steve and Ty's laundry for the week I was gone... my laundry for the week, plus Tamaya's laundry... Steve's Afghanistan laundry. No lie there must of been at least 15-20 loads that I have been plugging away at for the past couple days... now mind you there are a lot of blankets and comforters included in that... but it's not right. I can't wait to get everything back in order so I can get back to my "routine". You know the one that I do a bit
I still have my spring yard work to do and I am ashamed at how my back yard looks... but oh well it will wait until I get the inside of my shack taken care of! (One thing at a time Sue!!!)
Anywho, I need to get some breakfast into me and start today's laundry folding or I will have a nervous breakdown later for not doing it.
So if I don't blog for a few days all is well I'm just trying to work my way back to my clean house and I may even start my spring cleaning before Tamaya comes home!