Tuesday, April 24, 2007

8 weeks in...

Today marks 8 weeks in the ministry of interior?!? There has been some post on one of the groups regarding some movement in the ministry of interior/passport. I really want to believe it... I really do, but I guess I'll believe it when I see it.

I guess my batteries have run out...lol. I haven't stopped scrubbing for days it seems and I am tired. My body, mind and soul told me to rest today...lol I took it mostly easy (with the exception of at least 6 loads of laundry that I folded) You know, someday, maybe someday, my laundry problem will be a thing of the past. It seems like the easiest thing to forget when I am consumed with doing other things!

I took Ty out after dinner so he could ride his new toy... boy oh boy! Yesterday I went through all the rules and played the stop and go game to make sure he knew the basic rules before we venture out of the backyard. He still has a *few* days of driving school..lol

The 5 basic rules he needs to know by heart before venturing are as follows... (Believe me when I say I thought they would be very simple, BUT...)

#1- when I say stop you have to take your foot off the pedal.
#2- your not allowed in the forest or in the ditch
#3- no crashing
#4- only on slow speed.. no touching the yellow fast button
#5- stay in your yard

Ok so these all seem very simple right?... Yeah right..lol Every time he gets in a pickle he keeps his foot on the pedal. Even in reverse. I have moment of OH MY GOSH!!! and other of laughing so hard. Tonight the little booger decided he would push the yellow fast button and he went flying so fast and it scared me, because he is so focused he doesn't take his foot off the gas and keeps going, it's almost like he forgets what to do... awwww the joys! He did do better today than yesterday thought so I do have faith that my son will master my rules soon.

On other news we did our taxes... being self employed is really poopy come tax time. It took me a whole day to get everything in order and calculated. Then only to find out I owe the government some cash..lol. I can't really complain too much because it is just under $100, but Steve on the other hand is getting a HUGE return and it was worth the day of number crunching and organizing my receipts!

And to end this post I present you..... Mr. Ty the crash guy!!! Enjoy!


Holly said...

Thanks for sharing the video; it was really cute! It looks like Ty really enjoys his new toy :)


Dave said...

Just a quick note to say "hi" and to ask you to check out my blog for a quick post to let you know that I am still around and reading your blog! Cheers! :-)