Sunday, April 15, 2007

Have had better days...

I should be cleaning the shack... but instead I am procrastinating and blogging... why you may ask? Because as any of my readers may observe, this is a pattern... my procrastination pattern.

While I am cleaning I will become a mega witch because I will feel overwhelmed by the task at hand and be miserable because I didn't start first thing in the morning,(or kept it up during the week) and every little thing I clean or pick up will be the focus and I will have a few words of *wisdom* to share with Steve and Ty about the mess/lack of tidiness they have added to my already gross, but once it is all done I will feel great and my family members will forgive me for my less than perfect attitude!!! Ahhhhhh I love my Sunday clean up!

So anywho...enough of my rant! I wanted to share a few up-dates with you all.

Tamaya; We have been in the ministry of interior now for close to 7 weeks. (Haitian immigration) This is a step that is guesstimated to be 2-4 weeks. We we're notified last week that there was a problem. They have added a new step to this process (of course they did, every step of the way they have changed they way they did things... so why would it be a surprise?!?) It has now been rectified so hopefully I will hear that her file is out soon... then it *should* be a week or so and I will be able to go get her! This is really starting to get old. I am a pretty patient person, but enough already.

Steve; My man is still "broken" my new nickname for him is popcorn, 'cause every time he gets up all his old bones pop. He finally got his cat scan results. He has a bulging disk. The plan for him is to be on temporary category at work with light duties until he gets better. He will start receiving cortisone shots in his back. Hopefully it will auto correct itself. If that doesn't work he will require surgery.

He goes back to work on Tuesday. I can't believe he has been home for 6 weeks already. It feels like just yesterday he came back from Afghanistan. I just wish he would have been better so we could have travelled a bit. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine and having some normalcy back in the home.

My dear hubby was so great yesterday. He offered to go do the groceries all by He even wrote the list himself. The only request I had was a bag of pre-made Asian salad. Unfortunately there was none so he decided to buy me a head of Yup the man thought it was a pretty nice head of lettuce. It has been the joke around here and I still chuckle when I think of his reaction when I pointed out that it was cabbage, he even had the nerve to argue that it was Thank you Steve for doing the groceries... ;-)

Ty; Ty is The boy is a big ball of energy. I think he needs his sister to come home so he can have a full time playmate.

Last night we we're watching shark tales and they said "rock you" he repeated it and said "Oh oh mom I said a bad word" I explained that it was not a bad word, but he insisted it was... then he said mom " I have to go in a time-out" and he went to the time-out spot. I still had to explain to him numerous times that it was NOT a bad word, he finally believed me. This is coming from a boy that just a few months ago would swear and cuss his mother out while he was upset and in time-outs... fully knowing it was WRONG. He has made such progress since the trauma therapy. I am so proud of him. I finally feel like I am parenting a "normal" child, not a child that is sooooo out of control. I am really enjoying being his mommy and spending so much quality time with him.

Me; I have both good and bad waiting days. Some days I feel like it will never come, that she will be 50 by the time she comes home. Other days I am at a calm place about waiting and keep telling myself that she is sooo worth it.

Like I said previously, it's getting old. (today is a not so good waiting day) It has been over 21 months since we started her adoption. I know it's coming, but man oh man I just want it to be over so I can stop thinking about her and just start parenting her. I often find myself thinking about all the what if's... what if she isn't here soon... will she turn 2 in Haiti? Spend yet another birthday without her mommy and daddy? With my luck the passport printing machine will break down and it will take them 2 years to fix it... because lets face it... that's the way it seems to go. So as you can see I'm started to get bitter.. today is a not so great waiting day.

With all that being said I don't even have anyone to blame... I wish there was someone I could just get upset with and write a nasty letter to... or call and lose it on them.

Unfortunately it's just been a series of events that have been factors in this "extra long" journey. All of our adoption professionals have been wonderful, I know the director is working her tail off to get our kiddos home. I know that all information is passed on as soon as it received and it's just plain and simple.... POOPY!
I know if there was anything anyone could do they would. So many people just want to see her home.

Anyways that was my vent... I'm sure letting it out will help put it out of mind for another few days. I shall go take my frustrations out on my toilet now. My house will be blingin' in no time!!


Billy said...

I know what you mean about procrastinating on the cleaning. I do it all of the time when I want time on the computer.

Holly said...

I have to say, I have been having "one of those days" too, excpet, it seems to be more than one day :) Lately I have really been missing my children and I just keep praying that the process takes off and files start to fly through and kids come home much faster than they have been. I just wanted to let you know, I am right there with you!



(Mom to Wadner and Mia)