Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lovely days...

I have a hot date tonight ;-) Steve and I are going to go out for dinner and some shopping (well if I can convince him to come shopping, maybe I'll just leave him in the van after dinner and go

Pre-kids Steve and I would have our weekly date nights that we assumed we would keep up even once we were parents... HAHAHA!!! It took me almost a year to leave Ty with a sitter and when we tried to plan an in home date night, something would always come up or we were just too tired or hungry to wait until Ty was in bed sleeping.

I may actually do my hair and make-up, shave my legs. ( BIG maybe on the leg shaving, I may run out of

I still have no idea where we are going for supper, but I did tell Steve it would be a comfy sit down restaurant. He would be more than happy to bring me to McD's and I ***THINK*** I deserve a little more classy than that ;-) ?!?

My man finally shaved off his caterpillar (WOW WOW!!!, HUBBA HUBBA)... He says it was an accident, that he was trimming it and he screwed up so he had to shave it...but I know deep down he did it for He could of at least made up some kind of story about how he did it allll just for me, but NOPE the truth prevailed and the story wasn't as flattering as I would of hoped!!!


My main floor is alllll done (well except for the fridge and maybe tomorrow?) It feels so nice to have all the extras done. I had 10 GIANT bags at the curb yesterday for pick up. We still need to do a couple dump runs, but it is allll coming together and feels so fresh. My kitchen is too clean and has that whole empty echo thing going on. It reminds me of when we first moved in and actually had room for everything we owned.
I need to buy some blinds or other curtains for the kitchen. The ones I had were custom made by my seamstress and when I washed them last year I put them in the dryer and shrunk them, about 6 months ago I tried to just wash them and stretch them, but they were still too short.. So I finally decided it was time to look for something new!
Today I will work on the basement, I will just clean it and then do a "spring" cleaning in it at some point. I think instead of washing my own carpets this year I will hire someone to do them. About 6 months ago I did them myself and what a job that was. I rather pay someone to get it done than spend a whole day doing it myself.

On the house hunting news...

We are still looking and waiting on a quote on a new build. I have found a house plan on-line that I LOVE, LOVE!!! So we are waiting on an estimate of how much. I love all the angles.
There are some changes that I would make to the plan to make it more my own. I want it rectangle, and the kitchen island would be triangle... The window placement would be different as well... We also *want* a completely finished basement, as well as a garage... so I think it will be tooo much. Now it's just a matter of seeing whether it's even affordable and close to our price range.
I found out yesterday that there will be 4 other houses
on the market on our street, I think it would be at our advantage to wait until they are sold to put up ours (assuming we go with the new build). I think we would be able to get more for ours without the competition of the others!!!
Now that I have written a novel, I think it's time for me to get going and start of my basement so that I can ENJOY this beautiful weather we have been getting.

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