Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My boy?!?!?!?!

Allo, Allo? ...Anyone there?!?

Our dear Ty started his first year of t-ball. My son, my son, my son!!! Apparently we will need to work on his "skills" and teach him the rules.

He decided to make up his own game as he went along which consisted of him catching the balls and running with it while the coaches frantically ran after him. At one point he even went right to the t and stole the ball and ran?!? At least I had a good laugh. Steve on the other hand was embarrassed by his behavior... LOL. I think the only reason I chose to laugh was because in all honesty, I am so used to my son doing VERY silly things that if I don't laugh I would CRY... :-)


Out of the butts of babes...

Yesterday Ty was pulling on the dogs tail. I explained that it really hurts her and that he would not like it someone pulled on his tail... "mom (as he was giggling) I don't have a tail silly". "I know Ty", I exclaimed, "but if you did and someone pulled on it it would hurt."

A few hours passed...

"Mom come look... I have a tail." He screamed from the washroom! Yup... he indeed had a tail of a few feet of toilet paper stuck between his butt cheeks. How could I not laugh... my boy :-)


I awoke this morning from a "nightmare". It was awful and one of those dreams you awake to and feel it is real.
I had received an updated list of the progress on our adoption file. We were the only one that had not made any progress. I called everyone frantic for information and all they could tell me was that they did not know why, but assumed we we're denied the passport... HOW AWFUL, thank goodness it was all a bad dream.

I am HOPEFUL that this week we may get some info. I am itching to go get her and start our lives together. I am so tired of walking into her empty room. It is still so fresh and "not lived in". I want to see her toys scattered around, her little warm body in her bed sleeping and my sweet princess home... I can just picture it all and it gives me warm fuzzy's. I know there will be many of those happy awwwww tears once she gets here.


I don't have much planned for today. I am vanless since Steve is back to work which SUCKS the truck is needing a mechanic and my hubby has the van... and even if the truck worked Steve still couldn't drive it because it's standard and his leg/back can't handle it. I HATE driving the truck because of my "shortness" but at least I would have wheels..lol Oh well... maybe I should make the mechanic appointment myself!?!

I may get some yard work done since it's a beautiful sunny day and looks like it may still stay cool enough that my yard work may be enjoyable...lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just shaved Douby's head too this week! He looks so good bald...

Did Curious George answer the banana phone?
