WOW, I can hardly beleive I will be holding her very soon. I am so happy I have a plan. It makes me feel so much more in control of my circumstances. The really nice part of all of this is that I really have no expectations. My first choice of course would be for her to fly back with me on the 27th, but I am really ok with having to come home without her, it just makes so much more sense for me to stay that week. Jezzzz I am pretty impressed with my plan A, B & C....lol.
I was also so impressed with Steve's response. I really figured my "penny pinching man" ;-) (this is actually a good quality with a wife that doesn't view money as anything else but paper/metal that always is a available) would NOT want to spend money on another ticket for me going again on the 1 days in and out, Thankfully he saw that it made the most sense.
I will also send the Orphanage director (she is the one that has been processing the paper work) an e-mail letter her know of my plan and offer her any help I can provide. If she needs me to sit in an office all day instead of her doing it when her time is limited I am more than willing to. I am going to make it very clear that I have no intentions of going to undermind or insult her ability to process the papers. I know she has on other occasions got bent out of shape when parents have gone before their children were ready, but I am not going with the intention to bring her home so I hope she is cool with that.
I think today I will start packing, or at least make a list. I am usually such a last minute person READ: PROCRASTINATOR, but I want to make sure I have EVERYTHING! I will have to make sure first thing tomorrow I actually get my blood work done, I want to make sure my I am immune to Hep. I didn't follow the proper shot schedule... so it's just to make sure. I will also have to start my malaria meds. Better to be safe than sorry. Last time I didn't and thankfully I was ok, but you never know... I am such a pill hater, but I guess if I can prevent something it is the wise choice.
Well I should get on with my day and do my "Sunday" cleaning. My shack needs some attentions.
Yeah for going to Haiti!
Things are all falling into place I see... It is good to see you looking so encouraged! Good for you!
Go, Girl! another great plan! I do hope you can bring her home on this trip - that would be a wonderful gift.
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