Sunday, March 04, 2007

smooth sailing...

Day 3 of Steve's homecoming has brought on some "emotions" from Ty and I. We are all trying to find our place back in the family and although it's been going very well we are feeling the changes and reality of "reintegration" we are keeping the lines of communications open, and I anticipate our adjustment to be fast and easy.

I really appreciate having him home. I am so grateful for my new found freedom and just the comfort of knowing he is here.

I just need to find my happy medium in these changes. I have been doing a lot of observing, thinking and explaining my feelings and thoughts. I have also been helping Ty with his adjustment while still being careful not to under mind daddy's authority nor give mine away.

I can just imagine how Steve must be feeling in all of this as well, he has been with his troop for 6 months with no children, no wife. He also has to find his way in all of this.

I have no doubts everything will work itself out, but a tour home-coming is certainly different when children are involved.

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