Friday, February 16, 2007

Beautiful, fun days...

Mommy take my picture...
New fake smile!

Mommy take another one...

Ty make your big eyes...with a smile :-)
(When I ask Ty if he is tired I ask him to make big eyes so I can check inside and

Ok that's funny make them bigger so I can take another picture...

All I've got to say to my dear son... wait till your wedding!!! I have so many good pictures of you that you will pay for all the embarrassing things you have done to me throughout the

I have been having so much fun being a mommy. Being off work and being able to enjoy my days with with Ty are just simply awesome. Today we made some Valentines for my parents & my sister. They are coming tomorrow and I suggested we make something special for them. He chose different color papers a blue for papa Dan and purple for maman Pauline... then I got some stickers for him to decorate with.. All of a sudden he said "and I need one for ma tante Lynn." (His aunt Lynn..My sister) How cute is that, I was just thinking of my parents and my little guy thought about his aunty too... :-)

Tonight as I was driving home Ty said "mom, your the best mom in the whole uniberse.. "UNIVERSE" jeeezzz what a way to melt my heart. I told him that it was easy to be the best mom in the universe because I had the very best kid in the universe. I am really enjoy him again!

I still find it amazing that the answer was right under my nose. I was so focused on disciplining him and how to do that effectively to change his behaviors when all I had to do was nurture him, enjoy him, guide him and most of all show him my appreciation.


Anonymous said...

great shots!
BTW Douby came down with a fever tonight so the party is postponed to next week - interested??

Have fun with the grandparents!


Dave said...

Well, it sound like you ARE the best mom in the universe! Have a great weekend!

Great pics by the way! LOL

Sue said...

Hey Patricia. I hope Douby feels better soon, poor little fella. My parents are actually going to be here again next weekend. They are staying the weekend, then going to Ottawa for the week.. then will come back next Saturday. Maybe next time, but thanks for thinking about me!


Thanks Dave.. I love those pics

Anonymous said...

goes to show you that a frazzled mom has frazzled kids and a calm happy mom can survive even the frazzled kids!! Stay in the "zone".....

Enjoy your last few weeks of twosome-ville - soon it will be four!!

too bad about not coming to the party - definitely next time with the whole family!!

Douby is sleeping on the basement floor (it is a heated floor) while the fever works tis way through, poor tyke.
