I thought I was ok with having her escorted home..lol... BUT...I keep on thinking of alternatives and am not at peace with it. sooooo... I will keep thinking of how and I *think* I may have found a solution. If something doesn't feel right, then it must not be!
I guess the main thing I am trying to achieve is the best possible transition for everyone.. especially both of my children. I told Ty about having someone bring Tamaya home and point blank he said "no mom you need to go to Haiti to get her" He was very matter of fact about this...lol.. maybe he knows more than I do...???...
Steve and I are both adults and know how to cope with life and feelings... our children do not. Ty and daddy having a couple bonding days will not hurt. Tamaya bonding with me before I come home to "regular" life will be beneficial and healthy. If she is scared I can comfort her and it will be better for our start. Her mommy will be there for her. And daddy will be there for Ty. I will get to be part of her homecoming as a family, I will be able to introduce her to her new family... and if she is scared she will know me and I can comfort her...
So back to the drawing board...lol...
I have a little "plan" in my head and for the first time... IT FEELS LIKE A GOOD PLAN. I will let you all know once I have things in place. This is the first time I felt GREAT about a potential plan!
Way to go! Plans do have a way of changing, don't they?
All good reasons here too. At least Ty will have one parent at home and so will not feel so lost. And you get a travel companion - great news! Since you are bringing her home on this trip Ty will not feel that you are abandoning him just to spend time with her instead - that would have been harder to understand for him - a simple pickup is more logical to a kid's mind. If you have a video camera - make a movie of Ty introducing himself to her so you can show it to her on the way home - then Ty will really feel like he is part of the process.
I loved seeing the photos of Tamaya playing with the megabloks - they might have been some of the ones I sent down with Marcia!
That is a great reminder about the video message. The last time I went to Haiti I did that! She of course was to young to really know, but it was so cute to see Ty greeting her. Also it would be a great way to pre-introduce the family pets ;-) Ty has some pretty major fear about them when he came home.
I know I had seen some big blocks at Marijke's before as well... Maybe some are yours too thought!!! The children have so many toys and activities/imagination it is great. When I was there last Jan the kids were using kitchen ware as instruments.
I also noticed in the back ground they have my rubbermaid bin from my trip.. I had suggested they use it as a toy box :-)
Marijke is really great! I am so blessed that Tamaya is there... especially considering it has been so so so so so long compared to Ty's long adoption..lol
p.s. How's Douby feeling, is he back to school yet?
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