Thursday, February 08, 2007


So I have started my new daily routine ;-). This morning I tested it out to see if it would work and wouldn't you know it did!!! I feel GREAT both mentally and physically!!! It was nice to start my routines with an already fresh house!!!

I managed to do everything on the morning routine list in less than an hour. Ty loved helping! He did the load of laundry (well he if he was able to do laundry all my problems would be solved ;-). He help make beds and my house is fresh and blingin'.

Because I did this all before 8am, it left me time for a coffee while checking e-mail/reading blogs and I didn't feel guilty for sitting here because everything was done already. I dropped Ty off for nursery school and had nothing to So I figured I may as well clean the van out and vacuum it out. IT WAS We are -22 with the windchill!!
Now I have an hour to spare before my dear son comes home. I will make a big pot of pea soup and get the load of laundry in the dryer.

Once Ty is home from nursery school the plan is to start getting his valentine cards done up.!

I have added my precious "routine" for your viewing pleasure.. ;-)

(Oh by the way Steve.. This is no way excludes you from chores. The "Sunday" will be yours to enjoy... just 'cause I love ya babe ;-)

Night time routine;

- Ty’s bath
- Make a pot of coffee for the morning
- Turn on the dishwasher
- Make sure no clothes is left in the washer/fold put laundry away
- Tidy up
- P.J.’s

Morning routine;

- Make beds
- Put coffee pot on
- Shower, get dressed, do hair
- Sweep & wash floors
- Quick washroom once-over
- Take something out for super
- Empty Dishwasher
- Load of laundry
- scoop
- Do “extras”


Monday: vacuum carpets in bedrooms/area rugs

Tuesday: Kitchen scrub, Groceries

Wednesday: Change bedding

Thursday: Dust, windows and mirrors, vacuum - main floor/ clean out van

Friday: Garbage, washrooms major scrub

Saturday: “what ever else needs to be done” – (No "extra" day once Steve come home!)

Sunday: Dust, windows and mirrors, vacuum - basement. Vacuum stairs. (Steve’s). What ever else needs to be done – (Sue)

*** “Whatever else needs to be done” includes, fridge, stove, walls, corners, junk drawers, organizing, paying bills, blah blah blah..


Woo said...

Your list is HUGE!!! Oh my goodness, I will never complain about my to do list ever again. Actually, I think I should do more now looking at your routine.

By the way, Ty has big beautiful eyes..I can see he has very long eyelashes..Just gorgeous! And your daughter? She is just a pretty little one. She looks like a baby doll.

Anonymous said...

What shores? I like beaches. Your hubby

Sue said...

lol.. Woo, I know it looks HUGE however, we have a big shedding dog & 2 cats. The dog sheds alllll year long and a lot, that's the only reason I have sooo much cleaning to do. I can never keep up with her hair. Even when the house is blingin, by the evening my floor is covered again. Thankfully we have removed the main floor carpet which is easier to upkeep. I used to have to vacuum daily and it was always looking nasty.
So I'm sure your to do list is "normal"

Cheryl said...

What an amazing routine. I don't think I could do all that. I really admire your energy and time management. It does feel great to accomplish so much.

BTW, I stop by from time to time. How wonderful for you that your husband is coming home this month and that you'll have your little girl soon.