Today was a nap free day and believe me it wasn't from a lack of trying on my part.
This evening was OK. I actually expected Ty to be a little more cranky, but he was actually pretty darn good considering both of his little eyes were in the same whole and bloodshot.

We organized the playroom, we got his room back to par and have a few game of the great buckaroo. It was nice to spend that time with him.
I usually get Ty to pick a book for his bedtime story, but tonight I decided to just tell him stories. It was fun and he thought it was so funny! I used him as the main character and he thought that was GREAT!!!
Tonight I plan on making myself a schedule. I am not used to having all this time on my hands and find I can leave it until the next day, or next
It's nice to be home and just focusing on Ty and I, but in reality I am not on vacations... well I guess it depends on the day and how I feel!!! ;-)
I had my home and shores so much more in order when I had the daycare because if I didn't do it while I had the chance I would never have the chance to get it done. Plus I "needed" to have it clean because I would have the daycare parents drop them off and pick them up.
If I can get everything done within the 1st hour I am up it will leave the whole day for Ty and I to enjoy! I will assign myself daily shores and won't have to get bombarded with doing it all on Sunday. Kinda makes a whole lot of sense to me... now lets just see if it will work :-)
Starting Wednesday I will get my stuff together... making beds in the morning and
I know a clean house is overrated, but I feel so much more "together" when it is blingin' I don't feel like I am procrastinating and I feel like I have a hold of my life...
good fro you, girlie! I had Buckaroo when I was a little kid and I LOVED that game. Mind you..anything that had to do with horses was a shoo'in. I find chores are easier to do when there's a scedule too..not just for me, but for Alex and Sam as well.
Wow - things are either going really great or really bad - no posts since Monday??
Douby likes Buckaroo at daycare too.
lol.. things are VERY good.. I'm just trying to get BACK!!! I promise to post tonight :-)
Susie's back!!!
Thanks guys for your comments... Off to play some more stinken
The fact that you haven't felt the urge to post must mean you are in a much calmer place!
Way to go! Kudos to Ty too!
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