Once we arrived home I decided to bring him sliding in our backyard. We have a big hill just up the road at a sandpit, but I find it quite big for Ty... and I am always afraid to go down the darn thing. So I improvised. We have a small hill just off our back yard which is nice and we slid for quite a while. I was not prepared for a day of getting full of snow. My jogging pants were soaked when I came in...but it was worth the fun and joy of having such a great time with Ty. When we came back inside I hooked Ty up with some hot cocoa, and a snack. We started watching the Superman returns movie and he fell fast asleep on the lazy-boy.
Ok... I love buckaroo, BUT... there are just so many times you can play the thing without feeling like a nervous wreck every time he bucks.. and I really think Ty is now making him buck on purpose to scare the daylights out of me..lol. I went shopping today and added a couple more games to our collection, I bought Dora's chutes and ladders and a pop up pirate game. We didn't have the chance to play them yet, but I'm very happy I will now have some variety with the board games.

Yesterday while I was sitting in my chair snuggling Ty I couldn't help but get chocked up. We haven't really started anything concrete with the therapy yet, but just reading a couple things really made sense to me. I had so many ah ha moments and I really find that his fits are less heavy, and we are back to something great. I am actually really enjoying being his mom.
I finally feel so stress free. I really feel like my life is in order again. I have everything under control. I feel like I am on top of the world and me again!!! I'm so happy I took this time off to reflect and just take some mommy and Ty time. We really needed it!
Yahoo! Sounds like you have tamed your own personal buckaroo!
Now build up a good stock those happy times and quiet cuddle moments for the turmoil once Tamaya comes home - life will never be the same again....
We'll miss you at the Carnival party on Sat.
Hi Sue!
I have just read your past few posts. It seems to me that things seems to be falling into place. I have no doubt that your life will be complete once all the paperwork falls into place as well as and hubby returns home...Just try not to turn your snowmobiles into an airplane... stay on the ground and be safe! :-)
OMG..ROFL..you thought Buckaroo was making you a nervous wreck?!? So you went out and bought Pop Up Pirates??? Too funny. Just wait..until then..I'm waiting for that first post AFTER you've tried the game! Hahaha
Very very happy to hear things are going so well for you and with Ty.
Big Hugs!!!
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