Thursday, November 16, 2006

1 day...

Tomorrow, tomorrow he's coming tomorrow.. it's only a day away. So I'm a tad excited that my hubby is coming. He is on route.. maybe even in a plane right now.. or in an airport. I have no idea what his itinerary is, because of the whole "secret stuff" but I do know he will be home at 3:30 tomorrow.. assuming his flights are not delayed.. YIPPPPEEE.

I am officially off work and don't have the kids for almost 3 weeks. I wasn't going to take today off because my plan was just be off Friday, but Riley has a "mild" case of chickenpox (or he is reacting to the vaccine, but the doc wasn't sure because he has been in contact with a someone with chickenpox) so he is not here for the for the rest of the week so I suggested my daycare families check with their back-up sitters and see if it would work out for me to get today off as well :-) and YES I am off. Ty has nursery school this morning. I will drop him off and get my main floor cleaned up so Steve can come home to a nice fresh, clean house. Then this afternoon I have Ty's developmental lady coming. Then Ty has dance tonight. Thursdays are always busy around here, but now I have the extra excitement that Steve is coming tomorrow. I still need to shave my monkey suit. I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't shaved my legs since my birthday..hahaha!!! You can say I have officially past the picky I'm also going to dye my hair, pluck out my uni-brow and try to make myself look cute..hahaha!!! I feel like I'm getting ready for a first date. It's funny how absence makes the heart grow founder.. I feel like a little school girl with her first big date with the guy she has had a crush on all year. Oh the joys of deployment!!!

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