Tamaya's room is now complete with her new mattress and all. It's nice to have it all done :-) I feel as though I have accomplished so much and it feels like a weight has been lifted knowing I don't have to worry about that project anymore. It turned out like I had pictured in my mind!!!
I received an update the other day about my baby girl; (I am posting it here, please keep in mind that the lady that wrote it is Dutch and English is not her first language!)
Hi Sue and Steve,I tried to send you pictures but the Internet is doing badly.Chantamaya was running around, she did not like to be on the pictures,she has a lot of energy and turns everywhere.She is so nice and doing well.Sometimes she has pimpels on her head. Today we did go to Bio-med to do a test. It shall take a week before we know it. We don't like to shave her hair everytime. Anaïse did have it too, she came with it, but by her it does not comeback. We choose for a test for Chantamaya, but it is not very badly. You can't see it on the pictures, so little it is. She is trying out how far she can go by taking toys away of other children. By Agnes and me she has not a lot of chances, but the ladies do nothing with it and than Chantaline is doing like a child that is going on, but it is not her. She has only to learn what is allowed and what not.When I put her for punishment in her bed, she cries, when I talk with her, she is angry, she looks at me. I tell her that every time that she is taking toys away, I put her in her bed. I put her on the ground, she is looking at me, I give her another toy and she is playing fine. She knows it so well, but she needs some help.When you have to play with 3 or 6 other children it is good that she tries to be the boss. Agnes and I have to laugh about her. She is so nice ...It is a beautiful girl. A big hug of her for you all of Chantamaya, greetings and Love Marijke
I love getting my updates. Marijke opened up her home is such a wonderful soul. She didn't like seeing the children suffer in the orphanage and decided she would take them into her home while they waited for their paper work to be complete. She is always training her nannies and demands that they provide excellent care. I am blessed and happy knowing my baby girl is in her home with such GREAT nannies to care for her. It's still not my home, but I couldn't ask for a better place for her to be while she waits to join us.
A couple days ago I was going through my pictures of my trip to Haiti and couldn't believe how much time has gone by and how much my baby has grown. It feels like it was only a few months ago, but it's been 10 months. I have thought about going back... A part of me would be on the next plane, and the other part of me doesn't want to go on that emotional ride again. It was magical the first time I met her, but having to leave her and of the other emotional feelings I went through were draining... it was nothing I have ever experienced. I know having gone and her no longer just being a baby in a picture has made this waiting SO SO HARD, but I don't regret having such an experience in my children birth country.
Here is a picture from my trip.

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