Thursday, November 30, 2006

Moustache Part 2...

What is it around here with my boys and their moustaches???

My son has a cold. The ones that drip down the upper lip with no notice, and we are constantly running after him with a tissue. I was heading towards him with a Kleenex and he says "mom, no you can't away take my moustache" WHAT????, and he of course repeated this. It's no longer the milk moustache it is officially the boogie moustache around here!!!

Steve and I are having such a nice vacation. We haven't been doing much of anything besides spending some quiet days enjoying each others company. Today I had a few tears as we were talking. I know that next week I will be sending him off again and that my life will be very active and stressful again. Just having him home changes so many things in so many ways. When we were just married with no children his tours were a time that I would do everything for me... it was nice to be selfish and just worry about myself. I would take care of me, exercise, diet, warm baths and soothing massages. His time home was appreciated but I didn't feel like I needed his support as much as I do now. I am a very independent woman, but until now I haven't really realised how much of an active father he is, how much he helps and just how much him being a part of my life was so important. I guess I just really appreciate having him home and it's going to be hard to see him off again. I know I will get through it.. I can do it, but it's so nice not to have to right now.

No news on the adoption. I'm hoping to hear we are out of court soon. It's been a month since we've been out of IBESR. It shouldn't be to much longer before we have another step done and off to passport hell we go. It looks like some families have been waiting 3+ months for stinken passport??? Oh did I ever say that I was done 'cause if I haven't let me repeat it again... I AM SO SO DONE!!!!
*** I guess when they say you know when your done they are so right.

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