Wednesday, November 08, 2006

10 days...

Hollllly Molllly, what a day!!!

My daycare kids aren't right and neither is Ty.. Is it a full moon out there??? Riley came to my house with a fever (and I have a sick kid policy.. NO SICK KIDS ALLOWED) he has literally slept most of the day except for when I woke him up for lunch which he barely ate. His mom thinks it's from his chicken pox vaccination from last week.. she better hope so! If I end up sick in bed with the flu again I'm going to cry and quit his family... so I hope for her sake she is right. I hadn't had the flu for over 10 years then I started my home daycare and parents would bring me their flu kids and I have now been in bed sick a few times and I'm not about to do that all over again, especially now that I'm flying solo. The bad side of me hope he is up all night for his parents.. just because!!! But I do hope he gets rested and gets better so it's a double edged sword.
My Jeremy has REALLY been reacting to his parents separation and it is understandable but he has been CRANKY!!! Hopefully now that he had a light nap he will be half decent.... and my Ty, my Ty, my Ty, my Ty. He has been less than desirable. He had managed to get him self in trouble again and is now in his room napping... So I'm hoping to have a better afternoon/evening.

I realised I haven't talk much about hubby. For all of those who are reading for some Steve info, he's doing good. He is bored and anxious to get home. I know being bored is not great for him, but it sure eases my mind knowing not much is happening over there. He has been calling every other day and able to e-mail daily so it helps us feel closer to him and miss him a little less. We don't have anything planned for while he is home except for his parents visit on the weekend after he gets home. It will be nice to have them up. I'm glad it worked out that they were able to come while Steve is on leave. I know it will mean a lot to them and of course Ty will be so happy to see his grandparents.

Oh remember my old glasses post? (CLICK HERE to view), well it happen again.. deja vue? This time Ty bent them out of shape and I tried fixing them. They worked for a couple days then I put them in my shirt pocket and washed them... So I had to pick up yet another pair of reading glasses.. thank goodness my new optometrist told me about being able to just buy cheap reading glasses. Had I still been paying 200+ bucks for glasses I would be peeved. I also splurged and bought a new clock apparently it hasn't auto fixed itself and was causing me to wake up early every morning except for the ones that I purposely set later thinking it would go back and it never did.. go figure. So now with this new alarm clock I *should* be walking up on time :-)

10 more days.. 10 more days.... 10 more days.. YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well kids are all off the wall- and I do mean all, daycare, fostered and my own...full moon, wasn't that on Monday? lol...I have sickies here as well, and I know about the flying solo- only 23 days for us and Daddy will be home :) I think maybe the Nursery School is full of runny noses and they're sharing? hang in there- and remember I am only 5 houses away :)