Wednesday, November 08, 2006

9 days...

Ok so it's official I am a looooooooser :-0 I have blinked and lost a day of waiting for Steve. Math was my strong subject??? What's a matter with me.. hahaha!

My afternoon was great (can you hear the sarcasm?) Once I got the baby up and fed him his snack he puked. I really hope it's not the flu man. Hopefully he is better by tomorrow poor fellow. I just wish I would of followed my gut feeling and asked his mom to keep him for the day so we could see. The problem with that is that I would of felt bad had I refused him yesterday morning, but of course that's why I have the rules in place at the interview and I make it very clear as to why I have to have it that way and they all agree. I may have sounded insensitive in my last post about sickness, but I get frustrated when I have a rule in place, they agreed to it when they signed up for "chez-Sue's home daycare" knowing full well my expectations of them. A couple days lost of him not coming means only his day pay gone... Assuming I get infected, it is 2-3 days without any pay, plus if Ty gets it I will not work, then if the other kids are sick as well the other kids families will abide by the policy and I will then loose their income.

My evening with Ty was nice though, I made a homemade vegetable soup with noodles and it was yummy. Nothing like a nice hot bowl of soup on a cold rainy day. After supper we went to the rec-room and I actually got to watch some TV while he played in the playroom. We had a few moments of an "almost" meltdown but he worked it out.

I'm going to head to bed, but I have to make the darn bed before I jump in... argh I hate when I forget the sheets in the dryer.

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