So I guess a cold combined with jet lag = a sleeping hubby at 7:00pm. I put Ty to bed and turned my head to find Steve passed out on the couch as well. I asked him if he wanted me to close up the basement lights and TV and he said "no, no, let me just sleep for 10 minutes... ummm no 20." I told him I would wake him up in 30 and chuckled and told him I would see him in the morning. He said, "oh no,no I can take little naps now"... HA HA HA, yeah right! He never, ever can only take a little nap. If he sleeps he is out for the night. It's nice to know I still know him so well. He has also managed to get out of some shores because of his fresh tattoo. He couldn't cook, do dishes, or give Ty a bath??? hummmm??? I think I may be the one suffering for his "art" ;-)

While Ty was in nursery school we went to the ski-doo shop and looked at some winter snow suits for Steve as well as Ty. We bought Ty's and will give it to him for Christmas. I bought it big hoping it will be ok for next year. Steve's is on order and we hope to get it in the next couple days. They're not the same, but they match. I'm sure Ty will be so happy that Santa brought him such a cool ski-doo suit.

It's so funny and unusual to see my hubby spend money. He never usually spends any money on himself unless I encourage it. Since he has come home he has been making up for lost times which is nice to see. We will also have to buy him a few pairs of jeans. He lost so much weight that the jeans he has are way toooo big and they really don't look good. I still have to get him on the scale for the official weight loss, but I'm thinking close to 40lbs. Before he left to go to Afghanistan he lost about 10 lbs on a training exercise and he must of lost at least 30 since he's been in Afghanistan. My parents really noticed the drop, but I really didn't notice that much of a change until we started looking at summer picture and noticed how loose his t-shirt are now compared to the summer pics. If only I could drop 40 lbs that fast. Of course I could sign up for the military and ..... ummm nope, I don't think so. I think I rather stay "plump" and be nice and safe in my Canadian bubble!!!
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