Friday, November 03, 2006

14 days....

My mom mentioned I should let you all know (my blog readers) that the countdown is for Steve coming home. I did mention to her that most people knew it was for Steve, but just in case you are a new reader... or confused ;-) it is when my hubby will arrive on his leave for 17 days. Not for the arrival of the baby... there will be no countdown for the baby, I will know about a week before travel/escort when she will be ready.

Today was a PA day. NOT COOL!!! I had 2 of my big kids (my other one spent the day at his friends)... 8 and 11 yr old girls that I had to entertain, the 8 year old in particular was very demanding and expected most of my attention and wanted her needs met right away, I had to tell her on several occasion to have some patience and wait as I was busy and not able to tend to her wants immediately....and I thought the toddlers were bad ;-) We had a P.J. party day, I rented them a couple movies and got out the snacks and made junk food for lunch... mac and cheese and hot dogs :-) The girls seemed to enjoy it. The baby and toddler didn't really seem to care. They kept playing while the movie played. I decided to watch one of the movies this evening to give me something to do. Princess Diaries 2, it was so Disney and such a chick Steve too bad you missed it babe.. hahaha

Ty has a birthday party in the afternoon, my 1st drop and leave.. I'm really starting to like the independence of his age. I also noticed that now that my focus is no longer on getting Tamaya out of IBESR that I am getting scared of the homecoming. Well maybe not scare.. more just realising that it will be hard work and we will have many adjustments. I know Ty will most likely react to having to share mommy all the time and she of course will be missing the only home she has known and I will be back to having a toddler and not to mention sibling rivalry that is unfamiliar to me. I am looking forward to seeing what challenges may lie ahead and I am starting to mentally prepare. I think I may have been more afraid when Ty was about to come home because he was our first and I really didn't know what to expect, but now I see that it was the greatest thing ever, I'm sure I will feel the same way once she is home as well.

I'm going to plunk my keister in bed and watch TV.. a good brain numbing show would be ideal.

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