Sunday, November 19, 2006

Trying again...

Ok.. so lets try this again. I have tried writing a couple blogs now and my darn computer was having issues. Steve had downloaded some music and the laptop caught a few bugs from it. Now I have had time to clean it up and I hope it's good to go.

Friday; I arrived in Ottawa and had enough time to go to Ikea with lots of time to spare. I checked out of the beds and the one I was originally going to buy for her wasn't as nice as I imagined and from the wear of the floor model I knew it wouldn't stay nice for long with little ones. I did however find a cute one that I picked up which will match the gorgeous dresser that Steve uncle Bob made for us. I picked out a wood one that will take more of a beating. I really find the picture does it no justice.
We got to the airport around 3. Ty had fallen asleep from Ikea to the airport and I woke him up and as we were walking into the airport I asked him if he knew where we were. "No, Mom I don't know" he said. "Well Ty, we are at the airport. Someone special is coming" I told him waiting to see if he would clue in. I told him that papa was coming and he said.. "NO, my papa is in Afghanistan" I finally convinced him!!! I gave him Steve's ball cap and told him he needed to hold it until he saw him. I checked the screen and saw that his plane was delayed by 15 minutes which would make our waiting time another 45 min. Ty was pretty good and patient for the first little delay. He talked to everyone that was waiting and told them all he was waiting for his daddy. The screen then had another 45 minute delay and then Ty started getting tired of waiting and started getting busy and antsy. At one point in the terminal he pulled down his pants and I pulled them up super fast and I was quite embarrassed (my dad wanted me to put for word embarrassed..hahahah, my daddy made a funny) I ran with him to the washroom and realised he was trying to undress himself because he had a wet fart.
We finally got to the doors and waited patiently for Steve to come through. A few soldiers had made there way and Ty was disappointed that none of those were his daddy. He started acting silly and walked up to the railing in front of the doors and the next one out was Steve. He noticed right away and started screaming PAPA, PAPA... MY PAPA and bolted to Steve, jumped in his arms and hugged him tights. He was so proud of being in his daddy arms and of course I was a blubbering mess when I saw the pride in my boy from being with his daddy. He announced the the whole crowed that THIS WAS HIS PAPA.. there wasn't a dry eye in the place. I have done many homecomings and nothing prepared me for seeing my son be with his daddy.. it still chokes me up.
We are really enjoying having Steve home. We are adjusting well to the nice change of having him home. Ty has tested his boundaries numerous times, but together as parents seem to manage his meltdown much better by tag-teaming.
Steve did come home with the darn caterpillar moustache and it looks like I may have him convinced to take it off until he goes back.. I will keep you posted and I will be sure to take before and after

My parents came up yesterday afternoon for supper and left early this morning. We haven't really stopped since Steve's been home. Yesterday we went to the tattoo place. Steve has an appointment for tomorrow to get 2 of them done. He is getting the kids names on his forearms with their zodiac and birth-date. Then we went to the grocery store.. HOLLY.. I think that was the grocery spending record... Steve was craving EVERYTHING, I guess that's what happens when you eat rations for 3 months. We came home I made some lasagna for diner, my parents came in shortly after and they brought Ty his Christmas gift. The fancy walk in kitchen was only if you ordered it from Costco, they had a similar kitchen, but only one wall of cupboards and it wasn't as nice as they expected. So they went to toys r us and picked him up a COOL Barbeque/kitchen. On one side it's the BBQ and the other is the kitchen. He LOVES it!
My dear hubby is installing the new home entertainment thingy he bought and it sounds like he is finished. I will go spend some time with him and I will blog soon. :-) MY HONEY IS HOME.... YIPPPPEEE!!!

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