Friday, January 12, 2007

Awwwwwww.... this is what it's all about!!!

Boy oh boy did my latest and greatest up-date make my day... they all do, and they are definitely a pleasant surprise. I will get to play in her little fro and try my hand in styling it. Wish me luck!!!
Just the other day I was wondering if she was still sucking her thumb. She looks so angelic sleeping. YUP, that's my princess :-)
Here is the little message attached:
Hi Sue, Steve and Ty!!
Well just before you come I'll send you some of the latest pictures of your little girl and Ty's little sister. As you see her hair grows already some and as always she is very beautiful! I'm looking forward to meet you Sue and we will have a good time together!
Well normally I also write an update but well, we will see each other in a couple of days and then I will tell you everything you want to know and what I know!
And great that they don't need the mother anymore. I called Margaret a few times for that to hear about the mother and to try her to push but this is great news and it saves time!!
Well, I see you Tuesday and everybody here is already looking forward to it because off course they know you!
Big kiss from Chantaline and greetings from me!!!

How cute is that.

I do miss all my Haitian friends from Marijke's and especially Exumene. She has and will always have a special place in my heart. When I first arrived in Haiti there was a nice young lady there, she is a little person and just so cute. The first day she would walk pass me shyly and barely looked up as she walked. Marijke had explained to me that she had recently given birth to her son and that she was recovering from a c-section. I think it had already been a month... so I can just imagine how butchered she was. One night while I was outside enjoying a cigarette and admiring the wonderful night sky Exumene started talking with me... in English. After many questions of how she learned to speak English she explained how she had been on a medical Visa in the US for a couple years and picked it up then.

She told me the story of her pregnancy and how she had to leave and bring her baby to Marijke's place to place him for adoption. She said she loved him so much but there was nothing she can do to provide for her baby. Her parents said they would disown her if she gave him up and if she did never to come back. She had been raped which was the result of the pregnancy and she had talked about how violent these men were towards her and that she had never lived a normal life. That she had been teased and tormented all of her life because she was a little person. Unfortunately in Haiti anyone that does not look like the norm is taunted and made to feel like they are less than par.

She started sobbing and was hurt and feeling the loss of her son. I gave her a big squeeze and couldn't contain myself as I cried and sobbed with her. I couldn't imagine having to give up my children, but I do know how much my son and daughter are so loved by us. I told her that her boy would have parents like me... that would love him and cherish him. That they would love her son as much as she did and that if she thought about him everyday and told him how much she loved him that he would feel it and that he would benefit from the love of 2 mothers.

I will never forget that moment in my life. That was the reunion I had hoped to share with my children's birth mom's. That was what I wanted so bad to tell Ty's Haitian mom and at that moment I was able to bond with another mother that had just placed her son for adoption. I was able to see how she loved him so much that she was willing to sacrifice everything to make sure he had what she didn't. She didn't him want him teased because of his small stature and wanted him to be as normal as can be.

Marijke, the wonderful woman that she is, took Exumen under her wings and hired her as a staff at her home. She is living at Marijke's and is able to support herself and is able to have a normal life and be respected. How cool is that. I can't wait to see her again and tell her how much I have missed her!! I often ask Marijke about her.

Then there is Wilfrid. Wilfrid lost his parents when he was about 5 and then lived with his sister for a short time. His sister married and had children of her own she "kicked him out" she could no longer care for him and told him to leave. He was just a young boy and became a street kid. A man from Holland found him dirty, hungry and begging for help. He brought him to Marijke and she has had him at her home as a guest since then and he is now 18. She has provided an education for him and work. He is now living on his own a block or so away from her place, but he is certainly another one that captured my heart...even though I received an e-mail from him this summer begging me to bring him some Puma I guess that is the Haitian way and who am I to judge. Needless to say there are NO designer "in" shoes getting packed in my luggage. I did joke with hubby about getting him a pair that would be a couple sizes to big or small and see if he would wear them... but... OK.. that is not so funny.. right?

I guess that is enough reminiscing about my last journey. I can't wait to be there, in Haiti again and get to have a whole new experience and share it here, with you all.

I will be trying to blog while I am there as a means of communication with everybody, however if there is no Internet you will all certainly get the "diary" version of my trip upon my arrival.

4 more sleeps.

Note to self: Pack a notepad and a pen to


Anonymous said...

She's sooooo cute!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
