Saturday, January 27, 2007

You like?

Apparently changing my blog colors and adding a few links was much more productive than a good day of scrubbing!

While chatting with my dear hubby on-line this evening I asked him what he thought of the new look. "I don't like it" "Oh why?" he's quite an honest man... not afraid to show his true feelings... " 'cause I don't like change" he said. Just like that!!! all my hard work not even

On another note about my dear hubby... he pulled his hamstring yet again. Just as his back was on the mend. The man thinks he's still His body has certainly been used and abused during his career. His knees are screwed, his back goes out and now he has issues with his hamstring... Maybe if he would actually give himself time to heal instead of being too proud it wouldn't be so bad. I have seen him on numerous occasions pushing himself while he was hurt in order to get a job done. He is a true team player, however I think he should make sure he heals before jumping off trucks and playing football... right DEAR?!?( You know I love you.. right? you have officially received a blog speech Steven.. don't you let me catch you doing such silly things again.. HaHaHa!) Awwww men!

I really encourage you to check out my side links. The "adoption & Haiti blogs " section is great The Livesays are missionary's Haiti, they have a great sense of humour and I have enjoyed learning about Haiti through their eyes.
The other blogs I read daily/whenever they are up-dated and are good reads. 4th Avenue blues is certainly one of my top blogs. In my head is great, always something interesting and thought provoking! Woulda, Coulda, shoulda is funny and witty! I really enjoy them all. Please take a sec to check them out when you have a spare minute!

Well it is getting late again and apparently I have things to get done again tomorrow.. HAHAHA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

also check out Twice the rice ( an excellent blog on being an adoptee of colour. Ji-In is now 30 and is a Korean adoptee - she speaks very eloquently about being adopted and about issues related to that - read some of her past posts. She is one of my "must -reads"

I find Bribery works really well on Douby as well -and as long as he lets me brush his teeth well - I don't care!!
