Monday, January 01, 2007


Last night found me cuddling on the sofa with my folks for new years eve. Yup I'm a LOOOSER!!! Actually I had made plans to go out to my cousins house she was having some people over and we were going to be playing some boards games, but when I looked outside we had a bad case of freezing rain so I opted to stay in and not chance to icy roads. I also had a stomach ache, but I thought it was because I had ate too much again.

Today my dad made another awesome breakfast. He made ham, eggs and cheese on an English muffin. Home version of the Egg McMuffin. It was YUMMY. My grand-parents came over this afternoon for a little visit and shortly after I put my son down for a snooze because he was acting pretty tired and sure enough he fell asleep within no time. I went to lay in my mom's bed to watch some TV and fell asleep as well. I am in a pretty vicious cycle with my sleeping. I nap which keeps me up at night, but I have to wake up early to tend to Ty, but am to tired to make it through the day because I went to bed to late... I will have to get myself back on schedule.

At supper time Ty complained of a sore stomach and continuously was running to the washroom. He then asked me to stay with him while he was on the toilet which was odd. He started getting sick and it took me by surprise. This was the first time my little guy ever had the flu. Poor little fellow. Once he was done he went back to the table to eat his supper??? My dad offered him a cookie and moments later it came back up. He seemed fine after his episode and I hope for his sake it's the end of that. I also wonder if that what I had yesterday? I hope so because I really don't want it.

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