Thursday, January 04, 2007

getting excited...

Well I have to admit that now that I have made my decision I am getting pretty darn excited to go see my girl. How COOL that I will be able to hold her and just be with her again. It's really hard for a mom to stand back and watch someone else raise her child and just wait behind the scenes. I have been lucky that Tamaya has been receiving EXCELLENT care, her well-being has never been something I felt a need to worry about. Thank goodness. I couldn't imagine having her in a less than par home for this entire process... jeeezzz that thought gives me the shivers.

I am really looking forward to seeing all the children at Marijke's house again. It will be really neat to see how much they have all grown in the past year. Some children have gone home, but some that I really enjoyed while I was there are still there, most of the children now have families.

YIPPPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!! I know it's not as good as the home coming, but I've got to tell you it is pretty darn close.


Anonymous said...

Sue- I miss ya!!! When are you due home again? Congrats on making a decision to go and see Tamaya. S

Dave said...

It looks like things are coming together for you... All the best!

Sue said...

Hey S,
I miss ya too :-)!!! I'm thinking of coming home next Monday. I have promised my mom I would help her organise and haven't started Ya, ya, I know PROCRASTINATION A LA MAX!!! I'm starting to miss the comforts of home, but I know the moral support and a house full makes me feel like I don't miss my honey as much.. I feel way toooo relaxed and comfy here, I have my mommy to take care of me!!!
I'll call you some time tomorrow!