Friday, January 26, 2007

Bloggin' fevah...

Ok so 2 post in one day.. only hours apart? My house is now all shiny and new.. (hahaha just kidding.. it's still a mess!... nothing has really changed in the cleaning department since the last post... oh, actually it has, I brought my garbage to the road. I'm to busy doing Steve's job's to get of mine done..;-)

I have one of those "good thinking" moments. I had a phone call from World Vision asking for my support, during our conversation I had a BIG thought.. of course this call came while I was just about starting to do my Did I use this call as an excuse to get out of my shores... you will never know!

When Steve and I starting thinking Haitian adoption we started sponsoring a world vision child in Haiti. We have since decided to donate our money differently and are providing 3 of Tamaya's Haitian siblings with education, a more direct way of being to help them.

The benefit of world vision is that they are a world wide organization and are able to provide tax deductible receipts at the end of the sponsored year. There is more accountability of how the money is used. They also provide communication between the sponsor and the sponsored child through a world vision missionary. Exchange of letters and updates of your sponsored child.

This got me thinking... If they are able to help children in Haiti... why not my child's birth-family? I am looking into this further and investigating as to how we can possible get them on the program...

A little project for me while I wait..? I have left messages with some folk up at world vision and am hoping to get more leads or information on how to pursue this and possibly make this happen ;-)

K for real now I am going to clean up ;-)

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