Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Not home yet...

My intention was to leave today, but that thought passed fairly quickly when I saw all the stuff I needed to do to prepare to leave. I think I got a little too comfy here at my parents house and I can almost guarantee that we will have forgotten something here because we had stuff everywhere. I would hate to have me as a visitor. Thank goodness my parents love me and tolerate my disorganisation when I walk in their door.

I slloooowwwwwllly packed most of our stuff today an managed to place everything in the entrance hoping that my night and shining armor would pack my van for me... he didn't come??? So I will be in a stinken panic in the morning packing my van. Such is life when you are a procrastinator. At least now I have a plan of action to leave... ;-)

I will get up at 6am start the van... let it get warm, pack it, get Ty up and dressed, go out for breakfast with my dad, grand-parents and other early risers. Go pick up my aunt Martha that will travelling back our way and ***should*** be on the road by 8am.

I received an e-mail today with an up-date on the adoption front. I've been asked to keep the info confidential for now, but it could be great news for us. I will certainly let you know as soon as I get "confirmation".

I've been thinking it would take a pretty big miracle to be able to bring her home with me. I know realistically it probably won't happen, but I find myself fantasizing about her homecoming so often and really hope and pray that a miracle is in the works for us. I'm in need of a pretty big happy moment in my life... ;-)

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