Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 more sleeps till santa comes...

I really don't know where to begin. This morning I awoke to Ty playing in the room next to mine. I drew him a bath and while he was in the bath his told me that he had peed in the candle??? WHAT??? So I went into the room to see what he was talking about and sure enough there was a pillar candle in the room and he chose to relieve himself in??????

Once he was cleaned and creamed he went down stairs and woke up his grandpa "papa Dan" and asked him to button up his shirt. I tried to stop him.. really.

He picked up the phone while he was with papa Dan and said "yes, oh yes papa.. ok bye"

He turned to my dad and said "I was just on the phone with my papa and he said "yes I could have some chocolate"

What a kid. My dad can't believe how much of a sneak he is, on numerous occasions Ty has been caught sneaking. I guess reading about it is different than actually seeing the boy in action.. right dad?

The past couple days have been jammed packed with visiting. Yesterday evening we went to Steve's grand-parents house to visit and my mother in law came as well. Ty was pretty good. :-)

Today we started off at my aunt Annette's, my cousin Junior was in town from Ottawa, total Jack black look-a-like. He grew out his hair and has many of the same facial expressions... too flippen funny really (He lives so close to our place and see each other when we come here). My aunt Claire - aka "Auntie Sunshine" and my uncle Guy came over as well and brought the Timmies coffee...mmmmmm

Once we were done there we went to my grand-parents and were hooked up with some awesome pork sandwiches. It was really nice to see them. My grand-parents ROCK!!! I have been pretty blessed with my family. My grand-parents have always been so supportive and so loving throughout the years. I often feel like there is never enough time to spend with them. My grand-pa got a computer a few years ago and also reads the blog.. how cool is that. I love you Pepere!!!

My afternoon plans were to go to my mother in laws house, she wasn't home when I was leaving my grandparents so we made a pit-stop back to my parents house. A few seconds after coming in I was told she had called. We left the house not to long after and went to my in-laws place. We got invited over for supper and had a really nice visit with them. We left fairly early 'cause Ty was getting tired and silly. I wanted to get him home and to bed as quickly as possible. Tomorrow is going to be a LONGGGG night.

Christmas eve is always busy here. We have a family gathering on my dad's side of the family followed by a family gathering on Steve's maternal side. I really hope I can get Ty to nap tomorrow afternoon so he can keep up with the late night parties...

I paid my sister $20 to wrap all my gift.. Hahaha!!! I totally took advantage of my poor "student" sibling... love ya sistah... SUCKER!!!

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