Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday morning blues...

The house is so quiet. Ty is gone to nursery school and Steve is out doing some last minute shopping. I am enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee and thinking of tomorrow and having to send Steve back off. I still find it amazing how it feels like just yesterday we went to get him. I guess time flies when your having fun. Now if only the rest of his tour goes that fast.

Looking at the positive, I get to go shopping in the city tomorrow. I was browsing through the Ikea catalogue and found a cute little laptop table. I'm looking forward to getting that instead of always having the computer on the kitchen table. The whole point of having the laptop and wireless connection was to be able to have the darn computer where ever but it has become a permanent resident of the table for the last few months.

I wonder if I can also convince Steve to leave first thing in the morning and find the toys r us so I can go buy Ty's Christmas presents without our little man seeing the loot he is getting from Santa???

I was looking at the forecast for tomorrow and they are expecting more snow... maybe we will get lucky and Steve's flight will be cancelled/delayed and we can maybe spend one more night together??? I know it's wishful thinking, but none the less it would be nice.

I just got off the cell phone with Steve and he is already on his way home. I should get to my housework and make it look like I did something while he was away. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue, I'm sending you HUGS for tomorrow.