Thursday, December 14, 2006

too funny...

This morning my alarm neglected to go off. Yes, again this was the users fault and I'm getting pretty sick and tired of being a dumb ass clock operator... Soon I will no longer be a slave to my alarm and have anything to do with clocks..hahaha!!!

Yesterday I had a grumpy day. The accumulation of the mid-week blues and some cranky kids found me at my ends wit and emotional. I noticed my all too exhausted pattern kicking in again and I tried everything to stay calm and not stress out. After a day like yesterday it was a confirmation that I NEED to be off for so many different reasons.

Also Ty had another moment of talking about his feelings. He was sad and just sitting on the basement stairs after he had an altercation with Jeremy. I asked him if he needed a hugs and asked him what was wrong. He said "mommy, I miss my daddy". I explained that I missed him too, but he would be back... just like he was back last time and went over the story of how we went to get him. It seemed to hold him up until bed time and he again had a few tense moments and I managed to diffuse the destructive screaming, swearing and hitting, but he had a nice big cry and we talked about how every thing was going to be OK. He again mentioned that he lost his daddy and I told him he didn't loose him that he would be back. Poor little fellow. I find it hard not to have Steve around and I'm an adult.. I couldn't imagine how he must be feeling being a child and not fully understanding.

I got an e-mail last night in regard to Tamaya... pretty much saying there is still no news and that she is waiting for more information from Haiti to explain the new step that is rumored to be added to the process adding another 4-6 weeks to the already toooooo long process.

I got to attend Ty's nursery school concert and it was cute. He spent most of his time being silly and trying to annoy the other kids... ;-) That's my boy. Now I have Riley that is to show any moment now and of course he will have already napped and ate and won't have my time to relax and unwind before quiet time is over for the others...
fun fun (<---insert major sarcasm here)


Anonymous said...

As Ty gets older he may also start feeling the loss of his birthparents too depending on how much you talk about them. The other night Douby was very sad going to bed and it took me a number of questions to discover that he was sad that he could not see his birthfather! He had some dry sobs after that and was fine but I was surprised that he actually felt that strongly after two years home and one year in the orphanage. Ty may be feeling that he lost one dad already - losing a second one is inevitable. Poor kids - they have an extra layer to deal with that we will never fully understand...
Sounds like you did exactly the right thing!!

Sue said...

It's funny that you mentioned that. I often wondered about Steve's career and him leaving so often and how that may affect Ty in his insecurities of loss. I have been very surprised on numerous occasions of Ty's story telling and what he actually claims to remember. Just the other day he was playing in my belly button and asked if the doctor had cut mine. I told him yes, he said "yeah a doctor cut mine too, but it needs some more cutting" (he has an outty) I him what color skim the doctor had and he matter of factly said brown mom. He would of obviously been a teeny newborn when this happened, but could he in fact remember???