Saturday, December 16, 2006

I did NOTHING today...

Wow, I have officially done nothing at all today. I woke up with another headache and took it easy. I tried sleeping it off unsuccessfully and finally took a pill and it went away. I have been getting headaches a lot these past couple weeks... maybe stress headaches or something???

I got a poopy e-mail this morning regarding our adoption. I'm still waiting on the details of which step we are currently in that requires this, but they have requested her birth-mom's signature and ID and have been unsuccessful in finding her... something about her moving??? I assume this is the new step they have implemented, but I need clarification to get confirmation. I am hoping my Haitian contact could help in the search because in all honesty if she moved and they can't find her that's not good and I surely hope there is a way around this, but that would cause another delay in my already too long process.

My hubby called late last night and he is in his new location. I asked him if he felt safe and he said "yeah" I asked him to promised and he said "yeah" I told him to say he promised and he said "yeah" Soooooo, I know that was code talk for NO, it's not that safe. I sometimes wish he was at liberty to tell me more detailed information, but in the same breath I don't really want to know. I know he has been busy lately and I have, over the past couple months figured this not to be that great. I prefer when he is bored out of his tree, having nothing else to do during the day but hang out with his troop and think of us..hahaha

Well I'm going back to park my kiester on my chair and watch some more mind numbing TV... The volume is back up and running and I am enjoying the luxury of my tube... ahhhh the life of the unemployed stress free life (Note: that was a bad joke, my daughter and hubby are enough to keep me busy during this my time off)

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