Thursday, December 07, 2006


OK. So this wind up clock SUCKS. It's one of those old fashioned type wind up clocks. It's so cute looking, but man oh man it scared the hell out of me at 5:30 this morning. BRRRRRRRRIINNNNNNNGGGGG. The cat went flying off the bed, I swear I saw him jumping 5 feet up in the air, I had no clue how the turn the sucker off. No snooze button, and believe me I needed a snooze button this morning.
I had all kinds of time to take a shower and get ready this morning, but instead I just sat here in shock for at least 30 then I got the playpen ready for the baby, made my coffee (It really sucked only making coffee for one) and then they started arriving. My older 2 will no longer be coming. It was a temporary arrangement while she waited for her son to be 12 so he could take care of his younger sister. The baby showed up at 6:15, I gave him a couple snuggles and put him down for his morning nap. Then my other 2 came in shortly thereafter. They are all having fun playing with the BBQ/kitchen. (Yes dad... I know I still need to take

p.s. The other day while Ty was in my room I caught him picking his nose and eating it. "Oh Ty, no no no Ty, that's gross, you never do that. It will make you sick." I exclaimed without much thought "But mom, that's my bubble gum" he replied. WHAT???? My gosh.. bubble gum?

1 comment:

Karin's Korner said...

Bless your heart, I am so glad that you took the time off to spend quality time with Steve, I had tears running down my face in your last blog entry, what a wonderful goodbye story. I think that after today you might be glad that you did not take another day off, that way you had all the children back to keep your mind off of everything else.