Friday, December 22, 2006

I'm loving it...

Ty and I went to McDonald's for breakfast with my cousin and her son. They had a nice time climbing all over the structure and playing together.

It's so nice to be home and feel so supported. I have often wished I has the best of both worlds. Having Steve here as well as my family and friends. I am able to depend on my family during though times, and of course being alone a lot of the time because of Steve career would be extra cool. I jokingly told my parents I would stay until the end of tour, they thought that was a funny joke. Maybe next time Steve is away for so long I should consider renting an apartment for 6 months??? I know staying at my parents so long wouldn't work, but it certainly would be great to have them around more often. Plus I never feel like I have enough time to see everyone around here... 6 months would give me more than enough time :-)

I bought myself a Christmas present.. A nice blouse for my black dress pants. It's a cute Asian type shirt with kimono sleeves. It's cute and I'm glad I found it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think staying home until Steve comes back is a great idea!